
Follow @yorrike on Micro.blog.

: I ferment my beer in a modified fridge I keep outside under a plastic cover. I hate the setup. It …

: Caps lock is a scourge.

: You Americans with your “Kansas is pronounced kan-sas” and “Arkansas is pronounced Argh-kan-sas”.

: The Acolyte had high and low points. Brilliant and stupid bits. But that’s on par for Star Wars. I …

: I need some help. I set up my HomePod to play music every weekday morning and I can’t find where …

: I didn’t want a smart home. But I’m slowly ending up with one.

: I’m just going to turn off the news until 2025.

: I’ve come to a time in my life where my last non stick pan is now super stick. And I’m going to get …

: Last night my iPhone warned me my own AirPods had been tracking me. It felt like Ned Flanders …

: Pasting and dragging images in Windows makes no sense to me. You copy and paste an image, it’s …

: I’ve cobbled together a raid1 array with a couple of USB drives. Currently copying data over, around …

: Urgh. Fine. I’ll do my tax return. But if the IRD is reading this, let me be clear: I absolutely …

: I way there was an iPad Pro mini.

: Our tickets are raised by a pack of wolves.

: Going through subscriptions to trim my spending. Disney+, which was $120 per annum in 2023, and rose …

: I wish more TV shows and movie franchises would just break with canon. James Bond is a good example …

: If you go to bed with enough time to get a full night sleep, and sleep, you wake up feeling OK and …

: I brew beer as a hobby. Sometimes (but definitely not always) I get drinkable beer as a bonus to …

: Asia-Pacific is about as meaningless a grouping as is possible. Like, 18 time zones, 2/3 of the …

: The problem with Star Wars is Star Wars fans.

: Walt Disney presents the Star Wars story The Acolyte is… good? Like, characters, an actual story and …

: Just watched the final of Star Trek: Discovery. I’m sad it got cancelled. But so happy they got the …

: Episode 2 of the Disney Doctor Who was… really bad. It was embarrassing to watch.

: Remember in the early 2000s when comedy could be summed up as “yelling”? Bad times.

: Some light weight existentialism for you. How Big Is The Universe?.

: I played Drying-The-Sheets-On-The-Washing-Line-in-May Roulette, and lost.

: I get the feeling the person who writes Connections has run out of ideas. Connections Puzzle #338 …

: Damn. I’ve run in to that iMessage not syncing across devices issue. Had it a few years ago and it …

: This makes me uncomfortable. What’s the play to get his funders more government cash? …

: Aotearoa home brewers: where you you shop for your ingredients? There’s no homebrew shops left …

: The last thing I’ll be saying on my deathbed is “At least I’m at inbox zero.” Because it doesn’t …

: Zwanze Day! Some amazing Cantillon beers heading my way. Woo! 🍻

: Woah. I’m getting replies from my BlueSky account here, now? How long has that been a thing?

: Just how bad for the environment are electric bikes? (spoiler alert: maybe the most carbon efficient …

: I’ve been using computers for well over 3 decades and I’m still amazed I can operate a virtual …

: I implore people once more. Voila is pronounced vwah-lah, not wa-lah.

: AI is a modern Mechanical Turk, with all the easily impressed Napoleons throwing vast sums at this …

: Happy 1,500th of March 2020 for all those who celebrate.

: After a suggestion for naming our work’s automated ticket creation account, all our tickets are now …

: Sitting backwards in a chair. Baseball cap turned to the side. Youth pastor voice: “You know another …

: Being a Star Trek fan in New Zealand is a little bit silly: TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise, …

: Load up today’s Connections Eye starts twitching

: I love how techbros have swapped out the crypto pyramid scheme for the “AI” pyramid scheme. And that …

: You can open 100 tabs in your web browser if you want. No one can stop you. It’s not illegal.

: OK. I’ve come to the conclusion that either my Ubiquiti Anplifi router is borked after 5 years of …

: Is anyone else finding the latest version of iOS is really broken, networking-wise?

: …aaaaaaand my internet is broken. Marvellous. Getting this fixed will be painful.

: Spoiler alert for Dune 2: Paul Atreides is a bad egg.

: To any of my pocket frens out there who have a Vision Pro: I imagine this is possible, but can you …

: James Rath, who’s a film maker and is also legally blind, tried on the vision pro, with …

: One thing I’ve clung to after realising it, and a hill upon I’ll die, is that the transporters in …

: I love not having to buy petrol.

: The more I see it, the more I’m convinced I should subscribe to Nebula. Does anyone out there …

: The thing I love about learning French is the language is just as messed up as English, so it feels …

: This is terrifying. AI Generated Videos Just Changed Forever - YouTube

: Single on Valentines Day? Nice. Being single rules.

: I find it fascinating the several billion dollar companies and an entire sub-industry exists because …

: Bing is insisting to a colleague that in order to understand data flow back pressure, you need to …

: 29 years experience in Windows 95.

: Remember Twitter?

: Remember Twitter?

: Hang on, you can use an Apple TV as a Tailscale VPN server!?

: I ended up bringing my knight into play.

: White to move.

: Me: has a MSc in space geology YouTube: “Surprising discovery in Saturn system” Me: “OK, you got me” …

: Remember Twitter?

: There are those who comment when you turn up to work with a glorious handlebar moustache, and those …

: Oh… that’s bad. I just opened my MacBook after the lid had been down for a couple of hours. Screen …

: I got this UGreen MagSafe phone/airpod charger for Christmas. And the phone bit being rotated off …

: Shocking revelation that I have to go to work tomorrow.

: Wow. The Intel Mini PCs are getting really good (and incredibly well priced). Which makes buying a …

: Watched the Dr Who specials 1–3. And yep, Dr Who is still awful. I can’t remember a bit character …

: I long ago mastered the art of silently opening a bottle of champagne. Much to everyone’s …

: They started playing a Christmas playlist at work. So I’m sure I’m about to lose Whamageddon.

: I brewed for the first time in over a year, yesterday. I was worried about hooking up my …

: Why doesn’t Siri on my HomePod recognise my voice. It’s so it utterly frustrating. I’m the only …

: Rhythm and Blues implies the existence of Rhythmless and Reds.

: Today marks a decade since I left the mining industry in Australia. And I’ve not been back to …

: The company that can create some kind of storage device that’ll never run out of space somehow will …

: OK nerds. I have a couple of raspberry pis on my network doing some low-key stuff. I want to add …

: Leaving Twitter forever is way easier than you think. I managed to leave. I was in there for almost …

: I don’t mind calling my power company and waiting on hold. I get to listen to smooth jazz …

: Something is waking up between 2 and 6 am, on weekdays only, and burning through 1 kWh of …

: You’d think je parle français maintenant. Mais je ne parle pas français. La lange est impossible! …

: It’s Windows remote desktops all the way down.

: A homeopathy fact I keep remembering is the dilution of 1 in a googol (10^100). Marketed as C100. …

: I once had a Queenslander argue to me that Queensland didn’t have daylight saving because …

: I’ve been putting this off for almost a year. But I’m ready to start brewing again. So I’m going to …

: It’s that weird time of year when I have to buy two months’ worth of stuff to avoid …

: I just watched The Matrix: Resurrections. I don’t know why that movie got so much hate. It’s by far …

: If you’re a nerd like me, PiHole is undetectable by YouTube and blocks all ads. Outside of YouTube, …

: Windows is so shit. In the 16 years I’ve been using OS X/macOS, I’ve closed my laptop and whenever I …

: I am shocked. SHOCKED! That a giant road is having a negative impact on the surrounding environment. …

: Does any one here need a BlueSky invite? I have 5.

: I appreciate that lawn mowing robots are super cool. However, the best lawns are ones that aren’t …

: It’s hilarious that a @ weekly corntab command in Raspberry Pi OS executes at 00:00 on Sunday. Which …

: Typical Australian cricketers being the worst humans. The Black Caps helped Kholi because he was in …

: I hope everyone who admins an Elastic environment is having a very pleasant day.

: Proud of the Black Caps getting into the semis again. But beating that Indian team in India is quite …

: Coalition of Chaos: Luxon and Seymour U-turn back to Auckland to meet Peters. It’s been a month …

: I got beeped at for just being on the road (on my bike) today. Despite going at the speed of other …

: I’m done with the limitations of my raspberry pis (mostly due to the power restraints of the USB …

: I stumbled onto the world of mechanical keyboard modders on YouTube. And whānau, these people make …

: I hope the final of the Cricket World Cup is New Zealand v South Africa and NZ win by one run.

: This is why taking your time is important. It makes it possible to have a free and fair election. …

: It was a mistake to watch the latest Rick and Morty while eating dinner. Damn that show. It may have …

: I hope you’ve all done your patriotic duty and voted for the bird of the century …

: Why is search in Jira so bad!? Like, “I want ticket number 1234.” “_sorry mate, never heard of …

: I’m watching last week tonight and oh no. He’s about to talk about New Zealand. 😔

: Ban. Fireworks.

: Delaying the inevitable. Hope the next strongly Green government pulls funding from motorways and …

: Preparing for final results of the election. It’s going to be either horrific with Aotearoa getting …

: The fact that the Mystery Jets song Two Doors Down has a sax solo but not a drum solo is a musical …

: Bike people: has anyone out there done a drive train replacement? It seems reasonably straight …

: Sure sex is great, but have you ever seen attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion, or C-beams …

: Last week I ticked over to 5,000 km on my Benno Boost. It’s been my car for two and a half years and …

: Left my glasses at home for the first time since getting them. Luckily I can survive without them …

: I thought the speedometer on my bike was broken. Missing the wheel going by the sensor a third to a …

: A thrilling match only seconded by the last World Cup final. No shame in this one for the Black …

: In the most kiwi accent: “And to talk about the Rugby World Cup final, we’re now joined by Rodney …

: Pōneke people: that heavy cold rain and hail that’s being predicted? My scouts with a view south …

: Nothing sweeter than closing support tickets because the people who lodged them haven’t bothered to …

: Lots of buildings swaying in the wind today. Rocking back and forth at my desk. Wonder what it’s …

: At the risk of causing an international incident: tell me what you call this object and which …

: Once these augmented glasses become affordable and fast, I know what I’ll be doing. I’ll put a set …

: I’ve put on my shorts and jandals. Do I dare to dream?

: Very high UV index today. There’s going to be a lot of sunburnt people back at work tomorrow.

: I implore New Zealand’s media to, please, not attempt casual French while the World Cup is on …

: Wikipedia is worth donating to if you use it. But really, companies like Apple, Microsoft and …

: Tom Cardy - Repress it!

: One downside of switching off Twitter and using Micro.blog/Mastodon/Bluesky is there’s no easy way …

: Over the last month I’ve come to find John Gruber of Daring Fireball to be absolutely insufferable. …

: Wellington cyclist uses broom to sweep away tacks

: Putting thumb tacks in cycle lanes won’t stop people cycling, nor will it make the cycle lanes go …

: I’m considering upgrading my beloved iPhone 12 mini. My thought is if I have to get a bigger phone, …

: Crazy to think the iPhone used to come in one colour and 3 storage sizes, so 3 SKUs. Now it comes in …

: I was thinking this was bound to be overturned just yesterday. The cruelty is the point. Ban on live …

: Why did they call it high school when juniorversity was right there?

: “Just look through bash history for reference” - no! Write some documentation. I don’t want to guess …

: As a bike commuter, this is going to be dangerous. More reason to make physically separated bike …

: There’s a tab inside this tab, which is in a tab. It’s full on tab-ception in here. Too many tabs on …

: My new life hack. On the right, hand soap. On the left, a larger pump hand soap container I’ve …

: Pōneke people: where’s a roastery or cafe I can go to buy coffee beans where they’ll fill my …

: I’ve placed my laptop in the appropriate alter, and poured myself an excellent beer. …

: Kiwis: I hope you’ve voted. If you haven’t, go. Now. You don’t even need to be enrolled, you can …

: You don’t hear the people who complain that oat milk shouldn’t be called oat milk, because it’s not …

: Just to emphasise (and yes, I know it’s early). But it’s so sweet seeing two thirds of the cricket …

: In Richie Benaud voice: Marvellous. Quinton De Kock’s century helps South Africa hammer …

: Paramount seems to be in financial strife. Paramount owns Star Trek. It’d be great if Apple bought …

: Cthulhu’s armpits, Windows and its inconsistent behaviours are absolutely maddening. Right click to …

: First full run with my new brakes on my Benno Boost today and holy shit it’s nice to be able to …

: Thanks to the Wellington City Council funded Bike Space, I now have the know-how to replace my disc …

: Voted. Took 3 minutes all up.

: Imagine you post a post here on mb, and have an image with alt text. And you cross post to Blue Sky. …

: I was intending on voting on election day. But it’ll be quite a busy day, so I’ll just vote over the …

: 🏏 Shit yes. With an absolute downtrowl like this, my beloved Black Caps should just be given the …

: Test

: I’ll honestly consider voting for a party that wants to keep daylight saving all year and make NZST …

: Went to bed before midnight last night. Unreasonably proud of myself.

: After joining Blue Sky I’ve come to the conclusion that Mastodon isn’t for normies. The double @‘s …

: 🎶”We didn’t start the fire. No we didn’t light it but it turns out it’s making us a ton of money so …

: As a technical professional, I have an unreasonable love for ssh. It’s such a great thing. So …

: I see Winter 2, The Revenge has hit our fair isles. I shouldn’t have taken my shorts out of long …

: A reminder, it’s daylight saving, not daylight savingS.

: Ahsoka is just terrible.

: Wow the new WatchOS is weird. Seems to have blasted all my watch faces away. And switched how you …

: Blu-tak is just excellent for cleaning AirPods and their cases.

: Started watching Silo last night. If this ends up as yet another “people in some kind of experiment …

: For my fellow cable neat freaks out there.

: For my fellow cable neat freaks out there.

: Do I spend catastrophic amounts of money on a new iPhone, or do I spend an OK amount and just get …

: The new iPhone 15 colours are so weak. What’s the point? I want a banana yellow phone, not a …

: I normally sport a luxurious beard. Decided to start from scratch again on Saturday as I couldn’t be …

: 🎶 Such a perfect day Got out of bed around 2 Then later, a movie too All at home Such a perfect day …

: Ladies and gentlemen, half a terabyte.

: I’ve had an Insta360 X3 as my commuter helmet cam for about a year now. I’ve had a 128 GB SD card, …

: Received the wall mounting bracket for my TV today. Was going to tidy the house this evening, but …

: My eBike has been outside overnight at my space constrained house for the last 2 months. I’ve been …

: I hope the movie Dune 2 heavily features the Ordos.

: This morning on my morning commute I rode by a bakery as they were making cookies. Like flying …

: The very worst drink for someone with ADHD is a cup of tea. You can’t drink it immediately. It has …

: This seems like an insane way to wall-mount a TV.

: It’s still bemusing that, in the year of our lord two thousand and twenty three, there still isn’t …

: Strange Planet on Apple TV+, is incredible. Just… watch it.

: It’s insane that the Netflix doesn’t let their Apple TV app do interactive stuff.

: At work there’s a bike lock up area in the building, the size of a small car. Today was a nice …

: I started my watching of season 2 of Foundation perfectly. 4 episodes out so far. Watched 3 so far. …

: I’m about to watch the last half of, what has so far been an utterly underwhelming program, called …

: I liked the musical episode of Star Trek Strange New Worlds, in concept. But the lyrics in the songs …

: Feeling good at work → Start watching corporate software training video → Brain instantly goes into …

: How. Is. It. AUGUST!?

: I laughed more in one episode of the new season of Futurama than I did in 3 full seasons of Solar …

: My stupid brain doesn’t think sleep before 1am is a thing, anymore.

: Working in a VM running on a virtual desktop. What even is a computer!?

: The Lower Decks / Strange New Worlds crossover episode was possibly the most wretchedly blatant fan …

: Double Star Trek night! Squeeee!

: It’s Star Trek night! Yes! Who else is loving season 2 of Strange New Worlds?

: Live webcam of the Litli-Hrútur eruption. m.youtube.com/watch

: Cola and banana are a great flavour combination, ice cream makers. Make a cola and banana ice cream …

: Are you, like me, one of those nerds who’s always typed while looking at the keyboard, but through …

: Google, like Microsoft before it, has gone from exciting consumer products to boring B2B drudgery.

: I pay NZ$150 a year for Disney+, $140 for Duolingo, $54 for Amazon Prime TV… and an amount I don’t …

: It’s Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2 premier night!

: This old EMacs head is trying to learn VI/VIM. Who chose this as the default? What were they …

: “This will show a timeout error being displayed. The error indicates the you’ve successfully …

: I got my bike back! Motor replaced! Yes! 🚲

: The Apple product I’m most looking forward to isn’t the Vision Pro, but the iPhone 15 with USB-C.

: It took me 3 months of research to settle on buying a TV - the Sony A80K. And then I found the LG …

: I hate Windows 10 and this HP laptop so much. Just work! Why does it take you 15 whole minutes to …

: I found my Switch in a box of sundry from last year’s house move! My brain can now relax while I …

: I want to play the new Zelda, but I’ve… somehow lost my Switch. Can’t think where it’d be. Looked in …

: I’ve lived in Pōneke (Wellington) most of my life. I’ve never known it to be as calm and …

: “MacOS Sonoma Drops Support for No-Suffix MacBook, and 2017 MacBook Pro and iMac” – that’s… short …

: On the Apple Vision Pro: for three thousand five hundred American dollars (not including the …

: Black Mirror. Cancel reality at will.

: Apple: people are suffering from near sightedness so here’s a health feature that’ll make it so …

: It’s not just text, it’s hypertext.

: Where does one turn off cross posting in the new micro.blog app?

: Woah, hey, what, why is my bike pedalling so weirdly!? Ah, I see, the motor/pedal unit has half …

: Hook this up to my veins. Electric Cars Won’t Change Anything, Here’s Why

: I’m currently in the market for a new TV. Through weeks of research I’ve come to a quick and easy …

: I copied some video files from my bike camera to my work Windows PC (12 ~8GB files). I then tried to …

: Getting cycling directions is hilarious on both major mapping platforms; Google: Just go this way, …

: Another six weeks of this garbage before the days start getting longer again. We should have stayed …

: How does Raspberry Pi stay afloat as a company when you haven’t been able to buy their products for …

: Ah yes, it’s the 4th of May.

: The random things you remember you need when setting up a house. Just remembered “oh yeah, I’ll need …

: Got my Vessi waterproof shoes yesterday. Just in time for today’s (and tomorrow’s) rain. My feet …

: I got home before the rain started with only 30 minutes to spare. Frankly glad I didn’t have to …

: I’ve typed random passwords, by mistake, into Slack more than once now. Luckily I don’t reuse any of …

: I cannot express how little I care about some billionaire getting a fancy hat put on his head. Time …

: People think AI is going to destroy IT and programming jobs. But if you work in technical support, …

: I washed and dried all my clothes today. Perfectly warmish day in Pōneke with a light breeze. Did …

: I regret to inform you that edge vignetting and DSE (dirty screen effect), are things which I …

: Lots of chitter chatter about the watch pocket in jeans has reminded me I have no jeans. And haven’t …

: The final of Star Trek: Picard was so, so, so good 🖖🏼

: One for the Kiwis out there: does anyone know where or if I can buy a combo clothes washer / heat …

: The Mandalorian season 3 and Picard season 3 both streaming their final episodes within 24 hours of …

: Thanks to Kurzgesagt I just learnt about Black Hole Stars. And holy hell the universe is mind …

: Does anyone know why the Satellite imagery from Apple Maps online (e.g., through DuckDuckGo), is …

: As far as my biking wet weather clothing goes, everything’s coming up Milhouse. My feet are soaking …

: I’ve decided I’m going to start drawing again. I used to draw every day and when asked to draw …

: Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen) hits a lot differently when you’re a 40 year olds who doesn’t …

: Got my fifth covid vaccination. And my first bivalent variety. I’m now 6 times less likely to die if …

: Charging a battery via pass-through charging from another. Some kind of batt-ception which feels …

: If the holodecks from Star Trek existed, I’d simply acquire one and live there. Who …

: Go and listen to some music you like.

: So, winter hit today. And I’m wearing my summer clothing. Shit it’s cold.

: I am loving the TNG reunion in Picard season 3. However it won’t truly be complete because the …

: I feel like there’s one internet meme or page each person remembers reading or seeing and then …

: TIL about why that one salad spoon that has a slot: “One of the spoons has a slot allowing the …

: I’m hoping the next iPhone will change to USB-C (as rumours suggest). That’ll leave me with two …

: I can’t get push notifications working on my phone in any app. Does anyone else have that issue? …

: Waking up my Mac: “I’m up! I’m up! Log in! Let’s gooooooo!!!” Waking up my work Windows laptop: …

: Fun fact, a majority (~58%) of humans live in Asia.

: Cool. The iOS Passwords settings (it really should be its own app), can add 2FA to any of the …

: I’m so disappointed in Picard season 3. Not because it’s not fantastic - because it is. But because …

: Sure you’ve seen a lunar eclipse. Maybe even a solar eclipse. You may have even see a comet. All …

: Hey bike commuting buddies. I need recommendations for rain pants/trousers, as we’re (at least here) …

: Outside of America, Where’s Waldo? is correctly titled Where’s Wally?

: Chatting with a friend today, suggested they use iCloud to manage passwords. Opened Passwords on …

: “If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” Yes, Newtonian …

: I bought a Sony X90H 65” TV a couple of years ago. Great TV, dim in the corners, but well …

: I accidentally recorded my morning commute on my helmet cam in slow motion. So I now have a feature …

: You could have a dull, grey satellite dish on your house. Or like this one in Aro Valley, you could …

: To Apple, please please add a setting to Calendars to only accept invitations from known senders. Or …

: You know what? Long may these errors continue. I’m going to be so much happier when that hellscape …

: Oh no. Just found a house I really like for a price I can afford. There must be a catch. Some trick? …

: I switched my Netflix from the medium standard plan to the basic 720p plan, which is half the price. …

: LOL! Twitter is cutting off free access to their APIs. They seem determined to self-destruct. One …

: Remember when advertisers would use pop-up windows in browsers? And then they got craftier and …

: Had a question at a pub quiz last night: “what is the smallest part of a chemical element that can …

: Why Not Mars Somehow we’ve embarked on the biggest project in history even though it has no …

: The “satellite” maps of Google and Apple Maps, and the Apple 3D model of Wellington, are at the very …

: We call it sea bass to differentiate it from fresh water bass, which doesn’t exist.

: If you’re physically able, and you’re not riding a bike to work, and your work is less than 10 km …

: I absolutely love my iPhone 12 mini. The size is incredible. It’s light. It’s sleek. But the battery …

: I woke up lmao at a stupid animation I dreamed of. It’s two frames and about 5 words of dialogue. …

: House hunting, especially with a budget way under a million dollars, is pretty grim in Wellington. …

: People call the bus the Loser Cruiser. But a better name is Victory Vehicle.

: Oh no. I’ve come to the conclusion I may need to buy a new backpack. And this will begin months of …

: The weather in the last few days has been a bit rubbish for summer. But on the up side, whanau, …

: An interesting article on the delays to the ITER project. But what struck me was here is humans, …

: LOL. Twitter is down again (at least in New Zealand).

: RIP my brand new keyboard 2023-01-03 – 2023-01-05 Cause of death: drinking coffee at my desk.

: Do you squint at super bright “light mode” screens? Do you default to dark mode because otherwise …

: WFH today, but neglected to buy a mouse for my Windows laptop. I was ready for a 2 hour battle and …

: An unequivocal and unrestrained “fuck you” to 2022. An absolutely garbage year that ended up OK but …

: The Magic Trackpad, despite its silly name, is a brilliant input device. Most Windows laptops (like …

: Welcome to the hall of shame, Twitter, my PiHole blacklist. I can still skip out to 4G to check now …

: Meri Kirihimete to everyone out there 🎄

: This holiday season, clean your iPhone’s bum. There’s probably a lot of fluff in there.

: When I was young, maybe 6(?), on Christmas Eve, some legend went around the neighbourhood yelling …

: A few years ago I decided to write a short story for nanowrimo. I got half way through with major …

: I’m loving my M2 MacBook Air. Although I’ll need to get a screen to plug in to for productivity …

: Everything is going fine over at Twitter. They just don’t like *checks notes* any other social …

: Fellow tech nerds. I’m looking for the modern version of an Apple TimeCapsule. A few TB. Low …

: Load up a YouTube video on my new computer for the first time. Inexplicably see an advert. Realise I …

: If Pōneke/Wellington keeps cracking 20°, whanau, I’m going to have to switch to ice coffee. It is …

: I’m not saying it is, but unsealing, unboxing and starting a brand new computer is as close to a …

: After 7 years of faithful, flawless use my 5K iMac is either being turned into a server or sold …

: I have a sketchy Raspberry Pi that eats SD Cards and constantly crashes. I have called it kererū, …

: New laptop. Busy Weekend. Still unopened. (take that Hemingway! (yes, I know it’s unlikely he ever …

: We got an espresso machine at the office this week. I’m tuning in a perfect flat white while others …

: I’ve officially joined the league of bespectacled gentlemen. It’s been a good run, though. But death …

: Apple stopping the production of the Airport, and by extension, the Time Capsule, is so absurd. The …

: I simply can’t express how much I’m looking forward to all of central Pōneke/Wellington having the …

: Just had a long, rolling earthquake here in Pōneke. 5.2 M initial magnitude. A little too exciting …

: When everything fails, it’s probably DNS.

: Woo hoo! Second day of summer. Today’s high temperature… 15°C!?

: Rode in to work a little earlier today. Much less traffic, a lot more people on bikes! (there were a …

: My “Yes, I know you’re support, but I’m not going to follow any of your recommendations or answer …

: I’m going to do it, whanau. I’m going to buy a new computer to replace my 7 year old 5K iMac. Unless …

: As an example of the dangerous driving, this is how close the sign-written ute got passing me. I …

: My “Dangerous Driving” photo/video album has been growing quickly in the last two weeks I’ve been …

: I have come to the realisation that I need glasses. I borrowed someone’s at the weekend to read a …

: I really want to write my dating apps article, but I have to sit down in a good frame of mind. It …

: Good. These guys, even the good ones, are terrible. The worst of all of course, being Quinovic, who …

: Went to see an open home today. Saw an Earthquake-Prone Building sign before I walked in. Literally …

: 🖖🏼 frens I’m introducing a friend to science fiction as an entire genre tomorrow through the art of …

: 🖖🏼 frens I’m introducing a friend to science fiction as an entire genre tomorrow through the art of …

: Does anyone else out there normally reach for a pencil instead of a pen when writing down notes?

: Great seeing so many people commuting by bike this morning. Why yes, I do have a new helmet camera.

: After being on dating apps for a couple of months, I’ll be taking the rest of the year off from …

: “It’s not too bad outside. I’ll take my bike into town.” THUNDER RUMBLES * “Maybe I’ll take the …

: My very advanced native English speaking dilemma this week: appropriate use of into and in to. This …

: Beautifully still, mild night in Wellington tonight. Perfectly clear sky. Just ideal Lunar eclipse …

: Watching the Moon being eclipsed, it’s incredible remembering that what I’m seeing is the shadow of …

: Eclipse is underway (and my iPad takes terrible night sky pictures)

: “I have a girlfriend. But you wouldn’t know her, she’s on a different Mastodon instance.”

: Yes it was later than usual. And the lights were in my favour. But I’d be challenged to get home …

: Is this getting out of hand? Of course it is. Why would you expect otherwise?

: One of my colleagues made a memorial card for Lefty.

: I found Lefty, my missing AirPod! The bad news is, I found Lefty, my missing AirPod.

: RIP Lefty, wherever you are. I know where it fell out, but after looking for the better part of an …

: US$8 a month is 30% more than I pay for my annual Disney Plus subscription. It’s only slightly less …

: If you drive a car, you should attend a defensive driving course. If you ride a bike, there should …

: It’s great when the rain can show you where a major fault line is.

: Hey everyone. A PSA: there’s a major bug in OpenSSL. The details are being released tomorrow. Please …

: Noticed a bright pixel on my iPhone screen and couldn’t get rid of it. That’s $1,200 down the drain …

: Just watched [Moonfall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moonfall_(film) (sponsored by Kaspersky and …

: I’ve had a thorough search through a couple of search engines, but can’t find any mention of @manton …

: Ha. Hahahaha. Ah hahahaha! Welcome to hell, Elon - The Verge

: Nothing is sacred. Doctor Who to get American makeover as Disney takes on British classic.

: I’d like to apologise to everyone on the timeline here at micro.blog. I got sucked back in to …

: Just thinking about how back in the day on dial up, a 150 ms ping (or lag in games), was considered …

: I wish when iPhones were so old they were no longer receiving OS updates, that you could do …

: I absolutely love my tiny iPhone 12 mini. However I’m hitting the battery limitations and running …

: Bizarre language find of the day: one of my favourite words, overmorrow(the day after tomorrow), has …

: Stupid computer geek brain: “I have a full terabyte of stuff I want to ensure I keep. Obviously that …

: Has anyone out there changed their Apple ID email address? Is doing so a recipe for disaster?

: Does anyone know if there’s an action camera out there, like a go pro, that just records straight to …

: I just noticed in the opening credits of Lower Decks, the battle the Serittos runs away from is …

: Every time I think I’ve finally started to understand how git works, I realise I’m still nowhere …

: I looked at getting an iPad Magic Keyboard to replace my broken Logitech keyboard and broken Magic …

: If you’re learning French here’s a little tip to recognise words. If a vowel has a ^ (circumflex) …

: Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness? Extremely entertaining. Even better curled up in a blanket …

: Have a distinct feeling I’ll be watching Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness tonight. …

: The geek’s dilemma. Do I rebuild my now broken raspberry pi setup (thanks lightning strike!), …

: Wednesday night is Obi-Wan Kenobo night. Tea poured, several squares of chocolate prepped. Red 5 …

: Having a job sure does cut down on social media and other non-work activity time. Do not recommend.

: I like to think of myself as a sugar-free coke expert. Coke Zero and No Sugar are being replaced …

: Just cruising along in a million dollar chauffeur driven EV. How’s your Friday evening going?

: I’ve been having network issues for the last week. Things not loading, stalling, everything being …

: I love Climate Town. Who Actually Controls Gas Prices? - Climate Town

: Always nice going to the dentist and them saying “you’re doing well. Healthy gums, well done on the …

: If you’re in to Dinosaurs (with feathers!), great CGI and David Attenborough, Prehistoric Planet on …

: 1.) What did I just watch? 2.) Why doesn’t every album come with a production extravaganza like …

: I know it’s winter when I break out my serious jumpers. The ones where even I, as a rather rotund …

: My Fastmail free trial ends in a few days. My opinion at the moment is it’s really good, and I’m …

: And just like that, my G-Suite account is gone. Now for my gmail account - which I’m almost 100% …

: I’ve had a free G-Suite account for 12 years. I’ve migrated all my email away from it. …

: So I know that micro.blog has Mastodon integration, and that it all appears on the timeline. But I …

: Sometimes, as a geologist, I wonder what delicious fruit and vegetables have existed in the last …

: The Man Who Accidentally Killed The Most People In History.

: Hey fellow home brewers (or pro brewers). I’ve reached a level in my home brew where I’m …

: Me? Just listening to music on my iPhone on headphones that are almost 50 years old. Through 2 …

: That moment you wish you’d bought a single AirTag because you’ve lost your wallet somewhere. (found …

: FFS, iOS autocorrect. I am writing a sentence that’s clearly in English. Stop autocorrecting the …

: A Free G-Suite Email Refugee Finds a New Home Using an ancient free G-Suite account, I always knew the day would come when some Google engineer …

: Ok fellow tech nerds. Where should I transfer my email with custom domains to, iCloud (which …

: On my new sense of taste and smell post COVID: I’m smelling and tasting things like I ever have …

: My sense of taste and smell is back with a vengeance. Things taste and smell amazing! It’s like my …

: For a beta, Universal Control in macOS/iPadOS is really, really good. Yesterday I had Outlook open …

: Despite doing everything, triple vaccination, masking even when others weren’t, limiting where I …

: Watching Picard season 2, and being a massive Star Trek TNG fan, I know that in the time they’re in, …

: Wellington and the south western suburbs then into Te Moana-o-Raukawa as the sun has a rest on the …

: T’was a magnificent sunset rainbow.

: Good grief, Netflix, don’t put the “New Episodes Weekly” banner over Rick and Morty when there’s no …

: Watching episode 2 of Picard, and no. I do not like the mirror universe. Thumbs down. This isn’t …

: I’m going to have to buy a laptop for work. Although I could use this iPad as my laptop if I had two …

: There’s nothing like trying to carefully grab a 1pm grab target on a 4K screen. So much carpal …

: MacOS: changing the file name of a file in Finder while it’s open in an application? No problems, …

: Episode 1 of Season 2 of Star Trek Picard was… incredibly good.

: This evening’s sunset in Pōneke.

: I wish I enjoyed tea. It’s so much less hassle to make a good cup of tea over a good cup of coffee.

: I can knock out a pretty good beer these days. But I really should turn the garden into a food …

: I know people who work at desks think that Apple will remove the lightning port and go all wireless …

: My guesses for what Species 10 C will be in Star Trek: Discovery are the following: - 32nd century …

: Firstly, I have a new job (yay!) Secondly, they’re all good with me working from home (double …

: What a view on my evening walk. In the distance, the mountains of Te Waipounamu. In the mid …

: My first crack at an XPA. I’ve brewed plenty of IPAs and APAs before, so this is just a touch lower …

: Just watched the final of The Expanse. And though I’m disappointed that it’s ended before getting …

: No! Urgh. The final episode was so perfectly the end. ‘Futurama’ Revived at Hulu.

: The Book of Boba Fett was 7 episodes total. Half of those episodes were bonus episodes of The …

: My mum is going through things and found a book with Christmas and birthday wish lists. This is a …

: You should seriously be watching The Afterparty if you have Apple TV+. It’s incredible.

: Let’s get lagering!

: Since I can’t do much today due to booster fatigue, I may as well brew. Today’s batch is a simple, …

: It’s the day after I got my booster vaccine and I can barely move. Had a nap after breakfast so I’m …

: The problem with signing up for iCloud email in the year 2022 AD is all the good email addresses are …

: Just shaved off my beard. For king, country and family (and so I can get a seal when using a face …

: The last year has been a bit disappointing for me with my favourite science fiction TV - both The …

: Well, it was good while it lasted. Now I’ll have to pay, I can finally completely cut out google on …

: Close all those browser tabs you’ve had open for weeks or months. If you haven’t read it by now you …

: “Where could I even buy one of those?” was solved by the internet, and the problem now is “Where …

: Death to 2021 on Netflix is really good.

: Not all dreams come true, but some dreams have spiders in them.

: Just got our first puncture on our eBikes (m’lady got a staple in her tyre somehow). So now to do …

: It’s currently 27°C in Wellington. Absolute scenes.

: Good news, our garden is healthy and thriving. Birds, insects galore. Bad news, our house is full of …

: I had a list of things pop up today, January 1st. One is “get rid of LastPass”. I like several of …

: Starting out a chaotic good 2022 by cooking a prime number of pieces of bacon for an even number of …

: This program, The Amazing World of Gumball, is legitimately hilarious for adults. Just had a room …

: I am absolutely loving this season of Star Trek Discovery.

: This may be the first New Years where I don’t stay up until midnight. So tired.

: The most First World of First World Problems: too much great TV to watch.

: Through blood, sweat and beers, my brother-in-law and I built a trampoline on instruction from …

: Just rode my eBike after taking off a few cargo-bike frame add-ons. And holy crap that bike is …

: A 50 square meter apartment that I’d love to live in. Holy moly. NEVER TOO SMALL Scandi Style Paris …

: 1, 2, 3, 4, I declare browser tag bankruptcy so I’m just closing all my tabs and starting again.

: In a bar for the first time in ages. Got ID’d and vax passed coming in, so feeling OK about it. Top …

: Business idea: sleep pubs where you can have a quiet drink and a nap.

: As I bought a baguette, and put it in the front basket of my bike, I thought « oh non! Suis-je …

: It got up to 23° today. So it definitely feels like the cold brew coffee season has begun.

: I’ve got that Friday feeling. But it’s Thursday 😖

: Just bought one of these. Another step towards my goal of 0% plastic in the bathroom.

: Looks like I gave my poor Rapberry Pi Zero too much to do. It’s been grinding for a week. I …

: Show runners: just fill the coffee cups with water. We can all tell they’re empty. Or if you’re …

: If anyone is wondering how my brew of Citra Sunburn went, here’s a picture of the first pour …

: Internet friends: we’ve a few trips over summer. I want to sanitise my gadget charging. How …

: The final episode of Foundation was pretty good. Looking forward to season 2. I’m glad they have …

: I feel like my social media has turned into a numbers-on-odometers account. But my weird brain loves …

: Plastic Recycling is an Actual Scam . I really need to firmly refuse to buy shit wrapped in plastic. …

: Why am I so exhausted?

: I like to think the Moon and Venus last night were the sky winking at me.

: Using a Ubiquiti AmpliFi as a Fibre Modem on Spark NZ Broadband I’ve recently switched to Spark NZ fibre broadband. I was previously on Big Pipe (which is also …

: The ultimate odometer reading.

: My French is still pretty pauvre.

: HUGE upgrade (series zero → series 7)

: It’s brewing day. And today I’m brewing my renowned Citra Sunburn IPA - but I’m adding a healthy …

: Here’s a secret: iMessage is one of the world’s largest social networks. Messaging, groups, VIPs, …

: Top tip: check your traps daily to avoid things getting truly horrific. Rats 0:3 Me Mice 0:1 Me

: It’s unknowable, but I’d love to be able to know how close I ever came to catching COVID. Was I ever …

: There’s a quote from Samurai Jack season 5 which has stuck with me. Something Jack’s father says to …

: For eBiking, the Pōneke waterfront is 👨🏻‍🍳💋🤏🏼

: Rode passed some primary school kids the other day on my mid-tail cargo bike and they yelled “pop a …

: Interesting. Double dip La Nina forecast for Pacific summer.

: Creamed honey is the correct honey, and that runny garbage is just syrup.

: My last two power bills were huge, so I checked the meter. Turns out they’d overcharged me by a …

: Turns out the Montreal Protocol was incredibly important and has helped us fight climate change. We …

: Though my love of Aotearoa’s wildlife means I’m more than happy to be trapping rats and mice, …

: I was very surprised to see this California quail in the trees at my place. I didn’t know they were …

: If you have Apple TV+, you should watch the 10 minute animated movie Blush. But make sure you have …

: That’s pretty much my dream. Getting a meteorite crashing through my roof (I did my masters on …

: Just watched Free Guy. It was a fun movie, dumb movie. Just glad it was free on Disney+, because it …

: Is it just me or have Raspberry Pis gotten really expensive?

: It always blows my mind that there are more people who own cellphones than there are people with …

: My FitBit Aria scale has decided to stop functioning software-wise, after a few years and FU, no …

: In the Foundation TV series they have holodecks. Why not just set a bunch of them down on any planet …

: Hey homebrewers. I’m having trouble finding a replacement valve for this 1/2” ball valve lock, …

: Checks out

: For those of you who also like schema and numbers which are the same forwards, backwards, mirrored …

: Final Space went from a funny sci-fi cartoon to a deeply weird and emotionally draining lovecraftian …

: My car hunt has ended. Settled on an efficient petrol “micro SUV” (basically a hatchback). The …

: Foundation is out on Apple TV! That’s my Friday night!

: Trapped a mouse in my Predator Free trap last night. That’s rats and mice: 0, me: 2

: I love cruising around the south coast on my eBike, fam.

: Can YOU Fix Climate Change? (no*).

: In the latest update to the HomePod (and Siri in general?), you can tell Siri to do things in the …

: Just gazed out my kitchen window to see a kākā trying to have a chew on my fibre optic line! I’ve …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 21st of September 2021 It’s finger quizzing good! Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 20th of September 2021 If you quiz me down I’ll become more powerful than you can possible imagine. Every day of the …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 19th of September 2021 Make like a tree and quiz outta here! Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting …

: Here’s a little secret they don’t want you to know about: transporters in Star Trek would allow for …

: Very light dusting of snow on the Remutakas. It’s been a few very cold days here in Pōneke.

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 18th of September 2021 It’s like ray-ee-ain, on your quizzing day. Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m …

: Always a good day when you can successfully dispute a parking ticket!

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 17th of September 2021 No sir, I don’t quiz it. Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as …

: Job one: find an affordable HEV or EV car Job two: figure out how I’d get our eBikes onto it because …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 16th of September 2021 We’re gone take this quizvoy, across the USA! Quizvoy! Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa …

: I may very well buy a series 7 Apple Watch to replace my series 0 watch from 2015. The screen has …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 15th of September 2021 I used to be quiz it, then they changed what quiz was. Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 14th of September 2021 Quiz yourself more bliss. Forget about the last one, get yourself another. Every day of the …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 13th of September 2021 Sipping on gin a quiz. Laid back. With my mind on my quizzing and my auizzing on my mind. Every day …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 12th of September 2021 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 11th of September 2021 I’ve quizzed things you’d never believe. Quizzes on fire on the shoulder of Orion. Every day of the …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 10th of September 2021 I’m a quizzer jack and I’m OK, I sleep all night and I quiz all day. Every day of the …

: I don’t want an account. I don’t want to set up a profile. I just want to buy things. …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 9th of September 2021 Thursday. The day of Thor. And quizzing. With lightning! Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa …

: 🎶 So many elves in here, we’re do I begin? 🎶I see this one, I’m about about to go in 🎶Then she said, …

: Not everyone is welcome “_in the club_”, so I’d like some pop/EDM/hip hop tracks about being in the …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 8th of September 2021 If it hadn’t been for Quizzing-Eye Joe, I’d been married long time ago. Every day of the …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 7th of September 2021 What do you mean there are other people? I’ve been lead to believe we’re the only ones! …

: Got my Home Pod mini today. Initial impressions: for the price, it’s surprisingly good. Sound …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 6th of September 2021 Monday, Monday getting’ on down on Monday, everybody’s looking forward to the announcement. Every …

: I’m over half way through Skyward Sword HD on the Switch. It’s a fun game, but I have to say the …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 5th of September 2021 There’s no quiz, but there’s a baboon! Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting …

: Go and have a nap on the couch.

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 4th of September 2021 Did you quiz them Doug? Good. Now we wait. Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 3rd of September 2021 Tukino ski field is on which New Zealand mountain? I made a quiz. And I filled it with water. Every …

: I have found that every tip on cooking I’ve heard from Jamie Oliver along the lines of “people have …

: I was looking to replace the 8? 9 year old? UE BOOM we use to listen to music in the lounge and …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 2nd of September 2021 My old man’s a quiz man, he wears a quiz man’s hat. Every day of the nation-wide …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 1st of September 2021 Wake me up, when September ends. Please. Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 31st of August 2021 Some people call me the quiz cowboy (disclaimer: no one does). Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa …

: I have taken to power napping during the day while we’re in lockdown, and… I don’t dislike it.

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 30th of August 2021 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 29th of August 2021 Do you remember the before times? The long, long ago? Quizzes ran freely through the grassy valleys. …

: Just picked up my grocery shopping using click and collect. I am never going inside a supermarket …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 28th of August 2021 Saturday morn at the Quizzies, who knows what questions there’ll be! Every day of the …

: So being on Zoom a lot more recently I’ve been surprised at the colour my skin comes out on screen. …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 27th of August 2021 Don’t pay the quizzer man. Don’t even fix a price. Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 24th of August 2021 Ain’t no party like a quizzing party ‘cause a quizzing party just don’t stop! …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 25th of August 2021 What even is time? Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 24th of August 2021 Pour some quizzing on me! Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 23rd of August 2021 Picture yourself in a quiz by a river, with tangerine trees and marmalade skies. Every day of the …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 22nd of August 2021 Quaz, quez, quoz, quuz, quyz, quiz. Got there eventually. Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 21st of August 2021 It’s as late as ever, it’s today’s quarantine quiz! Every day of the nation-wide …

: I’m at the point where I won’t buy tech products if they don’t charge through USB-C.

: Look at the nail on your little finger. Imagine that’s the solar system. At scale, if that were the …

: I’m about to watch the latest episode of Lower Decks and I see the title is “Kayshon, his eyes …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 20th of August 2021 Level up, it’s quizzing time! It’s the third of the restarted quarantine quiz! Every day of …

: I went into the garden this morning to enjoy the dead silence (I could hear insect buzzing around!), …

: Just went for an hour ride to get out of the house. There were more bikes and walkers than cars. It …

: Lockdown is a lot more scenic in Wellington than in Palmerston North.

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 19th of August 2021 Rock down with the lock down! It’s the second of the restarted quarantine quiz! Every day of the …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 18th of August 2021 It’s a new lockdown, and there’s new quizzes! Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa …

: Star Trek: Lower Decks gets me right back into that zone of being excited that there’s a new Star …

: Took this photo of the Moon through an 80 cm telescope last night. Waxing crescent. Epic view of …

: Just dropped my phone from hand height onto the footpath by mistake. But my phone is always in a …

: Oh my god! A new season of Star Trek: Lower Decks!? And an unwatched episode of Rick and Morty!? I’m …

: The engine light in a car (mine just turned on) is the most unhelpful warning ever. “Hey buddy, …

: Obligatory Wellington leopard seal shot from Lyall Bay today. It’s drawing a big crowd, but it’s …

: This XKCD Global Temperature Over My Lifetime chart tracks with my life too. And yeah. Terrifying.

: The South Island Te Waipounamu, looking sub-Antarctic this morning. That’s a lot of snow.

: Don’t call them unisex toilets, call them omnigender.

: I’ve bought a Nintendo Switch (second hand) as a way to divorce myself from obsessive Twitter use. …

: iOS is pretty good dealing with multiple languages, but if they share character sets it’ll …

: ‘Twas 17° in Wellington today. In the middle of winter. Felt like mid spring.

: This video nicely sums up one of my problems with the Drake Equation - especially how we’re becoming …

: Just rode my eBike in the rain for the first time. Was dreading it. But you know what? It’s really …

: I’m making beer!

: Life hack: buy a duvet one size bigger than your bed size.

: I’m not a Marvel super fan. I heckled my way through the Avengers movies (at home). I liked Black …

: I’m over winter now. I’m looking forward to those long months where I don’t have to wear socks.

: I’ve only ever activated Audio Messages in iOS by accident. Wish you could turn that feature off.

: ★★★★★ for the coolest beer can I’ve ever seen.

: The best DC superhero is Captain Planet. Fact.

: Months are dumb. Just use weeks and the day of the year. You could say, for example, my birthday is …

: This is a great video. “Tyre companies have campaigned against this because they’re dicks.” Cities …

: Top tip: neither of these mice work on modern Macs.

: Console games are way too expensive. And yes, I know they basically haven’t gone up in price in 30 …

: Ooo, episode 2 of Loki was good!

: I just want to order a pair of trousers in the size I am that actually fit me when they arrive. All …

: It’s been almost a decade since I’ve worked for any amount of time in a skyscraper, it’s it’s …

: There’s a lot of people dropping off their kids at school / daycare / kindergarten using eBikes. I …

: There’s worse commuting views.

: Can anyone recommend a good hybrid car? We’re after a small SUV/station wagon. The Subaru XV would …

: Cleaned most of my garage today in preparation to start brewing in it. But even so, it’s falling …

: If you ask Siri to add rice wine vinegar to the shopping list it’ll add: rice wine vinegar It’s …

: Highly recommend The Mitchells vs. The Machines. It’s absolutely hilarious and fun for the whole …

: I’m watching Ghost in the Shell SAC_2045 and the story is interesting, but the visuals look like …

: I know this may be asking a lot, but if you’re selling an iPhone wallet, it should be able to close …

: I caught a rat! I’ve had my rat/mouse trap out for a month and I finally got one!

: These are the best two shots I got from last night. The night sky mode of iPhones is pretty good. …

: Holy crap the final of the second seasons of For All Mankind!

: I keep seeing posts like “OMG I went to cafe today! It was so weird!”, and I think “What a strange …

: There’s been occasions watching the most recent chapter of Love, Death + Robots that I’ve forgotten …

: Weird note regarding the new Apple TV - the included lightning cable is USB-A to lightning for some …

: The new Apple TV remote is chunky. It has heft, and it doesn’t feel like a delicate piece of origami …

: Eeeee!

: I’ve said it before and I’ll ask again; at the end of season one of Star Trek: Picard GIANT ROBOT …

: This Disney+ app on Apple TV is a horrific. Constant crashes and hangs, becoming unresponsive, …

: Woo hoo!

: I guess that’s an honest way to market your product.

: Learning another language - ★★★★★

: Finally. We’ve been consistently ripped off for years by the banks and their transaction fees. …

: The birds I normally see out of my window are seagulls. There’s lots of other birds around - …

: Seriously, read the instructions. And then re-read them. And a bit after you’ve started, re-re-read …

: You’re supposed to wear a mask on public transport here in Aotearoa. About half of people seem to …

: Today I learned: don’t break the back glass on an iPhone because that panel is not replaceable.

: 3 days without internet at home. Chorus, the company that maintains the fibre optic network, appear …

: A crypto-currency where the “proof of work” is sucking CO₂ out of the atmosphere.

: We have no internet because the optical network termination unit (the bit that the fibre optic plugs …

: I kinda smashed it today. Turns out you still have to pedal eBikes.

: If I learnt one things ebiking around today it’s that I need to get some cameras on my helmet …

: I’ve pre-ordered an Apple TV. Now I wait.

: Just to be perfectly clear, I’m staying up until midnight tomorrow so I can order a new Apple TV.

: I love how my TV complains it can’t access the internet. And I’m like, yeah, I know. I don’t want …

: We literally couldn’t justify buying an electric car. We’ll be looking for a newish car in the next …

: Today’s instance of a French word that sounds way cooler than the English word: moth - papillon de …

: eBike update. Now I’ve been riding for a week or so: Someone said I had a cool bike (what?) Two …

: It’s great being able to see the South Island / Te Waipounamu in a certain morning light where you …

: Without a doubt, and symbolic of an end of a dark period of form over function, this is what I found …

: New 24” iMacs and the new iPads Pro are pretty reasonably priced. Air tags are rip offs. Apple TV is …

: Guess I’ll be buying a new Apple TV. I was going to get a Chromcast with Google TV, but since they …

: From riding an eBike around Wellington for a few days: 99% of drivers give you heaps of room 1% …

: Took delivery of my eBike today! It’s a Benno Boost that’ll push me to 45 km/h. Got home from town …

: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is horribly dull and boring. After the brilliant magnificence of …

: Currently sitting in a pub watching people taking a pub quiz I wrote. I am a professional pub quiz …

: The group that came up with HDMI really missed a trick not baking power delivery into the standard. …

: I’m sick and tired of having to pretend I’m interested in hunting.

: You go through life thinking you can speak your native language really well. You’re even a scholar. …

: FOMOOFF: Fear Of Missing Out On Free Food

: Why are all TV remotes so unbelievably ugly?

: I’m pretty stoked New Zealand is one of the few temperate places on earth that scorpions never got …

: Given the ease of use of iCloud Keychain, I’m thinking of replacing my third party password manager …

: James Hoffmann is a funny man.

: I apparently must remember to hit the subscribe button and the bell and of course smash the like …

: We did it. We ordered eBikes. I’m going to be cruising around in style and kicking people’s cars …

: People say plain or bland things are “vanilla”. But do you realise just how exotic vanilla is!? It’s …

: We recently moved from Palmerston North back to Wellington. And holy smokes our Wellington place is …

: Oh no. I’ve discovered Map Men.

: Standing on the North Island Te Ika-a-Māui, taking a picture of Kapati Island and in the distance, …

: “Tesla: “Full self-driving beta” isn’t designed for full self-driving“ Yeah, because it’s a …

: I gave it 3 seasons, but I’ll won’t be watching any more Disenchantment. It’s just not funny or …

: “By removing the charging brick we reduce the amount of space needed to ship each iPhone.” …

: I like these alcoholic seltzers, but make no mistake, they’re the Miami Wine Coolers of the 2020s.

: Finale of Wandavision was satisfying. But there’s obviously spin offs and a second season of some …

: Final episode of Wandavision is live. This is not a drill. I know what I’ll be doing after I finish …

: I was sure there was an emoji Pac-Man, but apparently not. 🌜• • • • 👻

: Maybe a spoiler for Wandavision! I’m sceptical of Wandavision after the last episode. I was right …

: I still wear an original generation Apple Watch as I have for almost 6 years. The battery is still …

: Update: Wandavision is mind-blowingly good. I watched 5 episodes back to back and I’m only stopping …

: OK fine. I will watch The Wandavision.

: OK. Four weeks down. And 7 kg (15.4 lb) down. My goal is 20 kg (~44 lb) by mid year so I’m on track.

: Apple’s dictionary is frustratingly stupid. Get one letter wrong, it’ll normally set you …

: I’m yet to find any smart home appliance, beyond occasionally calling out for music to play or …

: Finally cracked and bought a Magic Trackpad 2 (second hand) to replace my OG magic trackpad. In …

: Urgh. Pretty much the worst cold I’ve had (it’s not Covid). I was out, slept most of the day. …

: Just realised that this February is the perfect month. Starts on a Monday, finishes on a Sunday. …

: That tricky spot where we’re moving house, there’s a few small things I want to buy from the US or …

: I don’t drink cows milk because of my retro digestive system. But I tell you, once you stop drinking …

: If anyone outside of the US wants to watch, what I think is actually hilarious, Star Trek: Lower …

: 🎱🐴👕👸🤴👕🐴🎱 🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻 ⬜️⬛️⬜️⬛️⬜️⬛️⬜️⬛️ ⬛️⬜️⬛️⬜️⬛️⬜️⬛️⬜️ ⬜️⬛️⬜️⬛️⬜️⬛️⬜️⬛️ ⬛️⬜️⬛️🐼⬛️⬜️⬛️⬜️ 🐼🐼🐼⬛️🐼🐼🐼🐼 …

: I did no such thing.

: I’m watching Avengers Infinity War for the first time. I don’t like it. It’s too long, there’s too …

: I’m watching Black Panther for the first time (sprung for a year of Disney+ because why not), and …

: Movie makers: You don’t have to say “London, England”, or “Perth, Australia”. No one is going to …

: Can I get some advice lovely people? Is it worth springing twice the money for an OLED TV over an …

: Shopping for a new TV. An LG CX. And it has: All the apps I use on my AppleTV Airplay 2 HomeKit …

: Two brand new AirPods. The mics broke on the old ones, but since that’s not wear and tear, I was …

: Here I am remembering I never bothered to play the Protos campaign in Starcraft 2 and that I …

: Scientists develop transparent wood that is stronger and lighter than glass.

: Took my AirPods in to be (hopefully) replaced as the microphones stopped working. It’s out of …

: As birth rates fall, animals prowl in our abandoned ‘ghost villages’. A good trend …

: I’ve got about 120 browser tabs open across 3 devices. Imma do it. I’m just going to close them all. …

: Here is an accurate map of New Zealand.

: Good evening from the mighty Manawatu.

: iCurcuit 3D lets you build working electronic circuits on your iPad. There are transistors in the …

: I’m thinking of making a handheld game console from scratch. So maybe getting a small computer …

: Saw a kid earlier today, maybe 9 or 10 years old, wearing an N64 t-shirt. And I thought “oh, now the …

: The microphone/s on my AirPods have stopped working. Cooooooool.

: What mundane super power would you like? I’d like the power to make it so flies couldn’t come within …

: ¼ to ¾ of the time you spend in your house, you’re unconscious.

: I think I’m going to have to buy a Nintendo Switch. Again. (I bought one at launch to play Zelda …

: Image of cartoon dog in burning house saying “This is fine.” Quarter of known bee species have not …

: I wonder if I’ll live to see US President number 50. I was born when Jimmy Carter was president …

: I’m extremely happy that American politics is boring again.

: Update! I escaped!

: I feel like The Count Of Monte Cristo trying to get through this tree stump. One millimetre at a …

: The following foods sound horrible from their ingredients or serving style, but are, in fact, …

: Share a Coke with your HR department

: Doing a lot of work in the sun, fixing up the house. High of 26°C. I was up on the roof cleaning off …

: You know you’re at a Kiwi barbecue when there’s nine people and only one is wearing shoes.

: Any Kiwis out there who haven’t visited one of the more distant North Island cities, New Plymouth is …

: Currently at the Festival of Lights in New Plymouth. There’s a concert stage in the middle. It’s …

: A sci-fi short story you may enjoy - The Road Not Taken by Harry Turtledove. 20 pages and throughly …

: Given the recent trash clear outs on major social networks, it’s good to see micro.blog has …

: We stayed at Ōpunake in Taranaki for a few nights. Here a couple of panoramas of the gorgeous beach …

: The presumed premise of Star Trek: Discovery season 4, rebuilding the Federation, is super hopeful, …

: The season 3 finale of Star Trek: Discovery was 🖖🏼

: Due to some precision culling, this is the first year I won’t have 40 hours worth of podcasts to …

: My OG Apple Watch, which I have worn every day, turns 6 this year. Should I try and push it to 10 …

: Can you believe it’s already… wait… what day of the week is it again?

: I’m trying to explain Apple TV to my mum. She got a year free Apple TV+, which she can watch …

: 2020 was a rough year. Things aren’t going to be magically fixed in 38 minutes when it ticks over to …

: Death to 2020 is hilarious, tragic and only 70 minutes long. Give it a watch.

: Ain’t no party like a New Years Eve party at home with just the family, cause a New Years Eve party …

: Went strawberry picking today. The haul was big and the strawberries were gigantic.

: Staining a deck is actually bloody hard work. You think it’s just like painting, but the wall is on …

: Finishing Christmas Day the way we started it. With a BBQ and refreshments.

: As is tradition, tonight I’ll be watching the one true Christmas movie, Die Hard.

: My jandals for summer. Hopefully they won’t get rickity rickity wrecked, son!

: Oh no, tonight is going to be terrible! 🏏 The first 20Twenty between Pakistan and NZ 🖖🏼 A new …

: Pretty much summer in Aotearoa summed up in a single photo

: The bees are loving the pōhutukawa flowers

: Season 5 of The Expanse has started. Which means tomorrow I’ll be able to watch: A new episode of …

: Disappointing the iPhone 12 mini is only making up ~5% of iPhone 12 sales(at least in the US). I’m …

: Only took until iOS 14.3, but iCloud Tabs are finally working again after failing in the last couple …

: “Watch streaming media in SD to reduce your climate impact” Alternatively, stop driving your car for …

: Also, if you missed it, the latest version f iOS/iPadOS and macOS have added Ecosia as a default …

: It’s confusing to me that in iOS/iPadOS, when a keyboard is connected, the letters of a passwords …

: To bed! Which means lying uncomfortably on my side watching YouTube for an hour before deciding I …

: Twitter makes me sad most of the time. But then there’s always one or two moments of absolute joy …

: Something for everyone: reply to this with tips and tricks you’ve found helpful. Any tips and/or …

: Season 11 of Archer is up on Netflix!

: Was in the shower and read the label of my wife’s body wash. “Lavender and Germanium!? Wha? Why!.” … …

: Vows parl-ez lay frankays?

: I learnt something extremely useful about le langue français last night: letters with a circumflex, …

: If Apple has done anything releasing headphones for One Thousand New Zealand Dollars, it’s made me …

: I often use my iPad as my computer. And I use the odd iPhone app on my iPad. But I find it bizarre …

: It’s that time of year when you can’t believe just how close XMas is, but can’t deal with just how …

: Hay fever season this month has been awful so far. Even with antihistamines. Like a never-ending …

: A milliamp is one thousandth of an amp. 5000 milliamps is 5 amps. Saying a battery is 5000 milliamp …

: What If Earth got Kicked Out of the Solar System?

: I’m always blown away by how intricate and delicate passionfruit flowers are.

: I haven’t watched the evening news for over a year now and it’s been great.

: My Apple Watch has given up on me and is a liar liar which lies. For the record, I completed my …

: Managed to make it through all the Black Friday / Saturday / Sunday / Monday without buying …

: I just finished playing The Last Campfire. All the feels. An incredible story and great puzzles. …

: The Last Campfire on Apple Arcade (and every other platform too) is incredible. But it absolutely …

: The iPad is in an odd sport, considering an iPad Pro is just as expensive as a MacBook Air, and the …

: So, who’s happy they bought a 3D TV?

: NZ$200 is a lot for a Magic Trackpad. But is it worth never seeing this again? Perhaps…

: Heroes New Zealand couple shuns developers to give 900 hectares of land to nation

: Pour un an, le abonnement pour Duolingo est cher. Et avec tous mes études, je ne parle toujours pas …

: I gave Sky: Children of the Light a go and man, that is not my type of game. The time I get to …

: I’m very tempted to give Alt Store a go. Everything I’ve read says it’s legit… and it looks fully …

: 🖖🏼 Can I just go back and remind everyone that at the end of Star Trek Picard, season 1, GIANT ROBOT …

: I’m so sick of Lightning and micro-USB and USB-A. USB-C for all the things! All. The. Things.

: Every Nintendo console should play games from every previous console. The Switch should be able to …

: Has anyone else noticed recently that the number of ads on YouTube has increased to an incessantly …

: I really think Nintendo is missing an opportunity not selling an MFi controller cradle and then …

: I’ve been sucked into the Retro Gaming Console world, and seen the incredible little machines …

: Apple Music costs NZ$23 a month for the family plan 2TB of iCloud storage cost $17 a month That’s a …

: Why are there 7 days in a week? Turns out it’s a really interesting number mathematically, but …

: I was watching this review of the Playstation 5 by MKBHD, and he mentioned that the internal storage …

: The more I think about it, the more I’m convincing myself that when it’s time to replace our 2015 5K …

: Ooooo. macOS 11 (Big Sur) is niiiiiice.

: Tip for those having issues downloading Big Sur through the System Settings Software Update screen - …

: Super Duper update of my Mac complete Time Machine backup complete All other syncing up to date …

: Amazingly, I’ve got the house to myself this weekend. I intend to: Stay up until 1 or 2 am …

: Deleted Messages threads in iOS and macOS should go into a “recently deleted” folder like photos do …

: All wall sockets should be USB-C with the ability to plug in an adapter to power things like vacuum …

: The ethnic food of the Aotearoa Pākehā people: Onion dip

: Pfft. I had an Apple M7 chip in my iPhone 5s.

: Those M1 Macs are pretty reasonably priced compared to the new iPhones. Here are the prices of all …

: iCloud tabs are completely broken for me (iOS 14.2). I don’t know where Safari is getting its …

: Rail and using Manapōuri to electrify the South Island. Hydrogen is a silly boondoggle. Rail is a …

: The Photos app on MacOS is designed for use with an SSD, isn’t it? I’m using it with an …

: Hey Siri search on MacOS. I know you like to try and be helpful, but when I type “cal”, I have …

: This was my beer for the evening. It was delicious in so many ways.

: It’s almost summer, so I’m brewing my essential summer beer, Raspberry Rebellion – a …

: Oh yay, it’s the 5th of November, so a bunch of inconsiderate shitbags will be letting off …

: Je comprends mauvais français. Bon français est plus difficile a comprends pour moi. (Just listening …

: That’s enough internet-induced anxiety for me today. Hope you all get a decent sleep.

: I’ve muted all relevant words on Twitter, and closed all news sites on my browsers. I’m listening to …

: Was just lucky enough to see the ISS fly over thanks to some fortunate gaps in the clouds. Humans …

: Drinking Espresso from the 1950s - hilarious.

: I have a solution to the Fermi Paradox: the Drake Equation, on which it’s based, is all guess work …

: Gastro bugs are the universe proving there’s no higher power.

: I’m not a huge Star Wars fan. But one of the things I really like about Star Wars is there’s no …

: I put my poor Raspberry Pi Zero W under such horrible load. I just thrash it and get annoyed it’s so …

: As per the previous post, I used this guide to install WireGuard on my Raspberry Pi. Bonus: PiVPN …

: If you’re after a self-hosted VPN, use Wireguard (it’s free and open source!). …

: Any Fastmail users out there? I need to know if a single $5/month plan will give me multiple domain …

: I’ve broken out my evening leisure singlet. We’re getting to summer levels of humidity in the mighty …

: We gave my mum an old iPhone and now my phone is just constantly buzzing with an endless stream of …

: A bit of a shame, but it should be in control centre as a core OS functionality. Apple Removes ‘TV …

: New episode of Star Trek: Discovery tonight! Eeeee!

: As mentioned, sometimes home brew doesn’t work out

: A beer I brewed was ready and I opened a bottle. Last time I brewed this it was amazing (it won a …

: These crazy people made a functioning lightsaber by creating a column of plasma from burning …

: Reeder 5 is an instant buy for me.

: When my computer kernel panics and shuts down overnight, which happens a few times a year, I like to …

: It is so frustrating having shows on Netflix that you know are in lots of different languages, but …

: I hate cars and all the ways they’ve ruined our cities and planet.

: Digital Spring Cleaning I have, or rather had, almost on terabyte of documents sitting on an external drive. This is the …

: I’ve always found the iPhone XR, which is basically the standard iPhone size now, way too big …

: Star Trek Discovery Season 3 episode 1: all the feels. And Andorians! My desire for more and more …

: Just finished watching the finale of Silicon Valley. Such a great conclusion.

: Tonight, Inuave the house to myself and episode 1 of season 3 of Star Trek Discovery is out on …

: Some mornings you stand helpless as you watch your Aeropress tipping over and think “today has not …

: I don’t like how the red iPhones are getting steadily more orange. If I end up buying a new phone …

: I love my iPhone XR. It’s got outrageously good battery life due to it’s gigantic battery and …

: I’m very interested in the iPhone 12 mini.

: What will happen first, the copy I’m currently doing of 1.28 TB of data to a hard drive over …

: If we lived in a Star Trek-like universe, alien species would likely complain that Humans are …

: Family Guy hasn’t been funny for several seasons now.

: The Amazon Prime Video app on Apple TV is absolute, utter garbage.

: The Northern Territory, which is 5 times the size of New Zealand has the same population as …

: I always though Kiefer Sutherland‘s name was Kieth O’Sullivan. Until tonight.

: It’s weird I can use FaceID on my phone, to unlock my watch, which will unlock my Mac, but I can’t …

: One unexpected discovery with my file organising is how damn fast USB 3 is. I normally transfer …

: When Time Became History - The Human Era (You can order your HE 12,021 year calendars now too)

: File management nirvana is 0 bytes.

: I’m about to embark on a long and treacherous journey: sorting out all my files on on my backup …

: Allow me to introduce you to James Hoffmann. He talks about coffee, and he’s marvellous.

: China has pledged to be carbon neutral by 2060. That’s utterly lethargic. 40 years? Almost none of …

: There are people alive today who’ve smoked cigarettes all their life because Fred Flintstone told …

: I wish I could use iPad-style two-finger cursor dragging on my iPhone. There’s so little space under …


: In other Bluetooth device news, I absolutely love the automatic device switching that iOS 14 does …

: Once you start using a keyboard and mouse/trackpad on your iPad, there’s no going back. It’s a …

: I know people don’t get medals for unsubscribing from things or stopping things. However, I am …

: When do my New Zealand peeps normally start applying sunscreen? Feels like it should be around now …

: I’m on board with not mowing lawns. Cutting the grass? Cut it out!

: Wow. micro.blog version 2 looks great @manton.

: I know being an Indy or small app developer is hard. But I have serious subscription fatigue. I’m …

: I wish iOS widgets could be 4 apps wide but only 1 app high. Like a 1U server.

: Cool. Electric aeroplanes! Sounds Air aims to offer first regional zero-emission flights

: This is a reasonably basic request that the machines of our glorious machine-learning present should …

: A year ago I thought of a conversation I’d have to have in French when we move back to Wellington. I …

: I’m rewatching Star Trek: Discovery before the new season starts next month. I’m up to the mirror …

: Update on iOS 14 battery woes: turns out it’s any widget with location data. So maps, weather with …

: Hey Kiwis, daylight saving starts tonight, so remember to do absolutely nothing because all the …

: Does anyone remember the name of the Windows 98 extension that let you super customise the entire …

: Anyone else find that iOS 14 is murdering their battery?

: Update: it is now actually Friday.

: That’s a low-blow suggestion Siri. Why you gotta be so truthful?

: I keep thinking it’s Friday. It is not Friday.

: Daylight saving starts in Aotearoa on Sunday. We’re in DLS for a majority of the year, and I …

: Flux is a great word.

: Does anyone else find back-tap in iOS 14 to be really hit-or-miss. Seems it requires a pretty rapid …

: I don’t know what my phone was doing this morning, but it burnt through 65% battery in 3 hours. 😬

: 2TB of iCloud storage, Apple Arcade and music = NZ$49 a month The family plan of Apple One is $32, …

: Sitting barefoot and in shorts. Here comes summer!

: Does anyone know if there’s a way for Shortcuts in iOS to launch an app with one of the …

: It’s raining super heavily this morning (no wind). Some bastard thought it’d be funny to open …

: Thanks Safari! (PiHole would have caught the rest I imagine).

: The trailer for The Mandalorian Season 2 looks… pretty good.

: I’m using 230 GB of our family 2TB worth of iCloud drive/storage. Apple One Premier …

: I was called a young man the other day. Which was surprising because I’m definitely middle aged now. …

: Does anyone else have a Ubiquiti Amplifi, and find their Teleport VPN only works as if they’re on …

: A fascinating article from Untappd where they graph and discuss the massive shift in check-in …

: The battery on this iPhone XR, 2 years in is pretty shocking. 11 hours after I unplugged it it’s …

: If I were to buy one of the new XBoxes, why would I buy the big one?

: I quite like how when my iPad and iPhone are sitting next to each other and I “Hey Siri”, they both …

: I’m attending a home brew competition on Friday. One of the beers is a bit of a disaster in that …

: The internet is a giant mail order catalogue.

: Masks are great for crushingly introverted people like me: They hide your face You’re not the only …

: Light, and gravity, travel at the speed of light. When you look up at the night sky, it has never …

: World’s best stout? We’ll see about that!

: This makes me about ten times more likely to buy something. It’s so frictionless.

: It’s Father’s Day tomorrow in New Zealand, so Iet’s start a thread with your best …

: This looks super fun: Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit.

: When I write things on the internet and then read them again later, I often wonder whether or not I …

: “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” The egg. Eggs had been around for hundreds of millions …

: Apple, Google and all other large companies that lean heavily on Wikipedia, should be funding it …

: Asterix is the best comic book character. You know why? He and his absolute unit of a friend took on …

: Youtube: “Ah, I see you’re viewing this video on a 5K iMac with a 100 Mbs fibre connection to …

: “Employee gets fired for inventing indestructible thing” is my favourite genre of …

: J’apprends français. Alors, pour les francophones dans l’auditoire: si une émission à la télé …

: You guys! Ibuprofen is amazing.

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 26th of August 2020 Aotearoa is back in various levels of lockdown. Auckland is at Level 3, and the rest of the country …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 25th of August 2020 Aotearoa is back in various levels of lockdown. Auckland is at Level 3, and the rest of the country …

: Email apps. Any colour you like as long as it’s mostly blue.

: I’m surprised this is the first time this has happened. Given how freely credit card numbers are …

: Power cut. Haven’t had one of those in a very long while. Wonder what the… 1, 2, 3, 4, 5… 6 …

: When I opened up my Messages after my phone updated to the latest iOS, I was presented with the …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 24th of August 2020 Aotearoa is back in various levels of lockdown. Auckland is at Level 3, and the rest of the country …

: The recipe and calculator reckoned those beer, with this yeast, would end up at ~1.013 SG, which …

: If you’re a home brewer and you’re not fermenting in a keg, you should be. It’s the best way to …

: I’ve yet to find an email app I’m happy with.

: Learning a new language is totally owl.

: Learning a language can be mind bending at times. I was wondering why a dialogue in French kept …

: Sometimes I hear French being spoken and I’m at a complete loss as what is being said, then I think …

: Sometimes my nerd brain betrays me. I just spent an hour trying to install things on a Raspberry Pi, …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 21st of August 2020 Aotearoa is back in various levels of lockdown. Auckland is at Level 3, and the rest of the country …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 20th of August 2020 Aotearoa is back in various levels of lockdown. Auckland is at Level 3, and the rest of the country …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 19th of August 2020 Aotearoa is back in various levels of lockdown. Auckland is at Level 3, and the rest of the country …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 18th of August 2020 Aotearoa is back in various levels of lockdown. Auckland is at Level 3, and the rest of the country …

: Has anyone ever named their Mac “Hot Tub”, only because their Time Machine disk would then be called …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 17th of August 2020 Aotearoa is back in various levels of lockdown. Auckland is at Level 3, and the rest of the country …

: I’ve just noticed on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine that the characters have truly gigantic Starfleet …

: Micheal Dorn voice: “I am Lt. Commander Worf, and I am Weasel!”

: My Fitbit Aria scale is probably a most imprecise scale I’ve ever used. Stepping on and off a few …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 14th of August 2020 Aotearoa is back in various levels of lockdown. Auckland is at Level 3, and the rest of the country …

: *Future me appears in front of me* Future me: “Holy shit! What year is it!?” Me: …

: Just watched a couple of episodes of Star Trek: Lower Decks. Had to paused half way through the …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 13th of August 2020 How long will we be down in the lock? Who knows!? Here’s today’s (Aotearoa Fights Back Day 02). All …

: I feel I need to express my unfathomable appreciation for living in Aotearoa and having such …

: Looking forward to my washable face masks, which I ordered minutes before last night’s press …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 12th of August 2020 Aotearoa is back in various levels of lockdown. Auckland is at Level 3, and the rest of the country …

: Community transmission of Covid-19 is back in Aotearoa. Auckland is back into Level 3 lockdown, the …

: Kiwis, download the Covid tracer app and start using it. It’s essential to protect yourself, your …

: So Star Trek: Lower Decks doesn’t have a distributor outside of the US and Canada. It’s a shame …

: Turning off predictive text in iOS does wonders for stopping random words appearing when you’re …

: I’m considering doing a welding and metalwork course so I can build eBikes.

: If you delete a message you’ve sent in Apple Messages, is it removed from everyone’s devices, or is …

: Watching the DS9, season 3 episode “Explorers”, Jake Sisko asks the computer “are there any messages …

: Privacy destroying advertising: it only works for the scumbag tracking middlemen Cutting Out the …

: I’m not worried about catching COVID-19, because it’s incredibly unlikely in Aotearoa. What I’m …

: Still running on Lockdown/Rāhui time. 3 months on.

: This sounds like the start of an alien invasion movie. Sowing doubt: people around world receive …

: Culinary idea: deep dish toast.

: I was just listening to the Apple Music New Music mix. A track came on and I thought “you guys are …

: I’m a good geologist. Unfortunately geology work is impossible for me as I’d have to be away from …

: Enthusiastic (more than my usual OCD) washing of hands, frequent use of hand sanitiser and winter …

: Why Children of Men haunts the present moment Children of Men does not take place at the end of the …

: Cost of preventing next pandemic ‘equal to just 2% of Covid-19 economic damage’

: For All Mankind is good, but lost me in the last few episodes. Sci-fi is never about pew pew lasers. …

: Another in the long line of potential “cures” that have been touted over the decades. Pay no …

: There’s something about this replacement screen on my XR. It’s weird, it feels… softer? Lighter? Uet …

: Sweet glorious victory. I have my 2 year old phone back with a fixed screen, so I can re-retire my …

: My phone for the next week (while my XR is sent off to have its screen repaired). It’s gloriously …

: Taking a bit of a break from Twitter. And since I have compulsive muscle memory, it’s PiHole to the …

: The existence of marionettes implies the existence of warionettes.

: Remember hacky sacks?

: Sometimes I’m listening to a random playlist on Apple Music and I wonder “man, what playlist is …

: I ordered some grain for brewing three beers of different styles over the next few months. Instead …

: Not going to say what this is, but needless to say, I nailed it in the last 24 hours.

: Delving into writing a plug-in for micro.blog, I’ve had a good look into Hugo theming. And …

: I’m turning my customised comments code into a proper plugin. It’ll be easier to install and the …

: I started just before Star Trek: Picard started, and I just finished watching every episode of Star …

: Typical. I break my iPhone (cracked the screen), 3 months out from the new ones being announced. …

: Me: Cool. My customised comments script and associated CSS is done and I can post the tutorial today …

: I appreciate macOS reloading webpages when they’re using significant energy. That’s …

: Star Trek: Voyager is great, but it bothers me that almost all alien races are headed by males. Very …

: I bought some beer at the supermarket today, as they have an outstanding craft beer selection. Then …

: Mum: “There’s some computer stuff up stairs. Could you go through it and tell me what you want to …

: Star Trek: Lower Decks looks like Final Space.

: The first third of 2020 crawled. But May and June just evaporated.

: Success! I’ve implemented my custom comments section on my website. Have a look at this page …

: Now most peope in most countries are wearing masks, can we also agree that everyone should wear a …

: A lot of people are pouring into Hey email. I get about 3 emails a day. So classic email is still my …

: I’m watching the Star Trek: Voyager double episode Future’s End, where they’re transported “back” to …

: I’ve managed to fully customise replies on micro.blog. Now to implement them on my site and get the …

: An incredibly useful automation I just made. I prefer to run in low power mode so I can skip …

: If you have an iPad app in the App Store right now and it doesn’t have keyboard shortcuts, please …

: I had difficulty at first understanding this article. Then it clicked - the UK invested in internet …

: I really wouldn’t mind a new old school-style Star Trek series with limited special effects, classic …

: Continuing to ruin the world Facebook Creates Fact-Checking Exemption for Climate Deniers

: My left hamstring has been giving me grief for over a month. I’ve been trying to stretch to no …

: Ever wondered why cashew nuts are so expensive? It may be because each individual cashew is the seed …

: This is so sad. The rail ride through Taieri Gorge is incredible. Taieri Gorge is as breathtaking a …

: My enduring question from Star Trek: Picard is WHERE WERE THOSE HORRIFIC ROBOT TENTACLES COMING …

: Bets on Apple branding their own Mac CPUs as Core?

: You know, that WWDC keynote was insanely well produced. Why not just do that from now on? No hooting …

: The presentation by Apple regarding the switch to ARM said the transition for all their hardware …

: How long until there’s XCode on the iPad do you reckon?

: Gasp! Foundation as a TV series!!

: I thought the Star Trek: Voyager episode Tuvix was goong to be hilarious. It was, instead, horrific.

: Apple should call their AR glasses eyePods.

: It’s Micro Monday in Aotearoa. Here’s a tip for the easiest way to improve your timeline: follow …

: Sure, I could buy a bunch of USB-C cables. Or, I could buy a bunch of these which cost a few dollars …

: Star Trek: Voyager Season 2, Episode 23 The Thaw is a brilliant piece of science fiction. A unique …

: Holy crap, why are USB-C cables so expensive?

: I’m trying, Netflix. There’s literally 155 hours of it.

: New avatar!

: I’m super anxious about these new Covid-19 cases in Aotearoa. Cannonball in my stomach anxious. …

: For a brief, fleeting moment, all my things were lightning or micro USB. Now they’re lightning and …

: Ever put your coffee cup in front of your keyboard and sway your head side-to-side to see the keys …

: The best name I’ve ever heard for a cat is Chairman Meow.

: It’s going to be a fun morning.

: Mask wearing culture is going to be the norm in most countries now. So when this is all over and …

: Watched The Matrix last night. What an absolutely magnificent movie. Still good after 21 years. …

: I love English as a language. It’s so malleable. Some changes I like to see, though, are the word …

: I kept putting off adding replies in my micro.blog posts because I thought it’d be a lot of work. …

: Bottling is a good for storing home brew. But cans are superior in every single way (lighter, easier …

: ‪There’s a full month back order on iPads Pro.‬ I wanted one for three weeks time, but nope, 20 …

: To make a perfect soft boiled egg every time: Get the water to boiling Lower the eggs into the …

: New Zealand is officially Covid-19 free.

: Counting in French est très bizarre I love french, j’adore le français. But the numbers are insane. They start out OK, un, deux, trois, …

: The technology of This Person Does Not Exist is simultaneously impressive and terrifying. Especially …

: Just has one of those moments where you look at a word you’ve used all your life and think “that’s a …

: I’ve had a couple of new beers recently and they’ve been pretty tasteless. Of course I thought “loss …

: It only took a deadly global pandemic for NZ retailers to get more enthusiastic about contactless …

: Went to check my fermenting beer this morning. I thought my spunding valve was set at 10 psi/68 kPa. …

: I brewed a beer today from leftover ingredients. A 4.7 % XPA. 3 hours from start to finish. I’m …

: I like pop music. I like techno and electronic music. I like hip hop. I like rock, classic and …

: That body must be absolutely ripped!

: Taranaki

: I could live in Taranaki.

: I’m so paranoid about being perfectly polite on micro.blog that I’m worried about posting most …

: So that’s a wrap on my quarantine quizzes. I hope the mb community has a look at one or two and …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 29th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 28th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 27th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Presidents of the United States of America are one of the greatest bands of all time. Their …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 26th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: Can anyone recommend an ebike for larger gentlemen who don’t much care for pedalling too hard up …

: The Citizen’s Handbook by RNZ is really quite good. If you’re into things. Like civics.

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 25th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 24th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The gouge that’ll be Transmission Gully motorway any year now is visible from… well, …

: This covid tracer app would be great if anywhere I went had the QR codes to scan.

: This happens a lot for Wellingtonians as some searches are adamant that you mean the Wellington in …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 22nd of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: Solid frost this morning. Was -1° when we got up.

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 21st of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 20th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: Had our first frost of the year this morning. Oof.

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 19th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: If you want an easy way to contact trace your friends in looser restrictions, here’s an easy way to …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 18th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: Went outside this morning and asked “what’s that loud hissing?” Today is the first proper day back …

: Has anyone rlse noticed the latest iOS (13.4.1) has a. Broken bluetooth b. Destroyed battery life on …

: Oh man we can only hope. Covid-19 pandemic ‘spells the end of the neoliberal era’.

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 17th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: Going to a friend’s farm for lunch today. First time I would have left the neighbourhood in more …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 16th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 15th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: This reminds me that I haven’t played all of Starcraft 2. I should get onto that. Starship Troopers …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 14th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: On days with okay weather, eBike to work. On days with horrific weather, work from home or take …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 13th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: For the micro blog community and anyone who writes in Markdown on iOS. Select text from a webpage in …

: I’m personally anxious that we left Level 4 were active cases were nonzero. ‘A return of …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 12th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 11th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 10th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: Read the room Photos app.

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 9th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: If you’ve been enjoying my quizzes, you may be interested in the Pandemic Pub Quiz. Every …

: Kiwis, on average, consumed ~500 GB of data last month using their home internet connections. I …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 8th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: People committing to learning a new language: “It’ll be hard work, but I’ll get an insight …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 7th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: On Learning a Language and Speed If you’ve ever taken lessons in a second language you will have come across recordings of native …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 6th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 5th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 4th of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: Just in the middle of my first multiple person FaceTime. What an absolutely garbage interface. Tile …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 3rd of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: “How are we going to maintain social distancing if everyone is on a bike!?”

: Silicon Valley billionaires all planned to high tail it to New Zealand when the US started to …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 2nd of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: It’s easy to be philosophically opposed to using Zoom. But when everyone else is using it, and noone …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 1st of May 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: I had a blissful glimpse of a silent world with birds, families riding bikes together on the road, …

: Watch: Wellington in lockdown, from above There’s two enormous takeaways from this: …

: ‘You can’t compare’: New Zealand looks on Australia’s loose lockdown with envy – …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 30th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: Can anyone confirm or deny my suspicion about what plant this is which I found in my garden after …

: Remember when you used to go to a shop and they’d put your items, whether you needed it or not, in …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 29th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 28th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: Our microwave is dying. So I need to buy a new one. And holy hell microwave design is awful. …

: What’s that noise? That horrendous dull hiss? It’s thousands of people driving their cars again.

: I am absolutely dreading the return of all the traffic back onto the roads. Even half back will ruin …

: Big biking boom: Kiwis turn to other modes of travel and fun while in lockdown.

: These animations of Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch show how incredibly different movement …

: iOS autocomplete is super weird sometimes. I wrote “anima”, as the first letters of animation and …

: Can anyone suggest a game on Apple Arcade which I could chip away at in 5 minute blocks or 3 hour …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 26th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 25th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 24th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: I used to play video games a lot. I used to enjoy them a lot. Now whenever I play I feel like I …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 23rd of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 22nd of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 21st of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 20th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: I’ve concluded that trying to blanket my house in 5GHz 802.11AC wifi would require a wifi repeater …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 19th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: Hey Kiwis. If you’ve been missing your local cafe, bar, restaurant or other local company and …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 18th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 17th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: In English the year 1998 is pronounced nineteen ninety eight. Pretty straight forward. In French …

: Emoji for chef’s kiss: 🧑‍🍳💋👌

: If this were edge-to-edge screen with FaceID, I’d be giving my XR to my mum and buying one of …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 16th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 15th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 14th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: If you want to remember the sizes of the world’s 5 oceans from smallest to biggest, remember …

: The stars you see in the night sky were never arranged that way. A small number don’t exist anymore. …

: Video Conferencing Apps - A Surprising Winner Just had a 9-way video chat with an entire side of my family. We couldn’t use Whatsapp, …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 13th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: Dammit body, I don’t need all these histamines!

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 12th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: Went to party last night. Me and five friends, spread between four cities across Aotearoa, had a 3 …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 11th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: Friends of mine are organising a Friday drinks session over the internet. Conversation is “Should we …

: Steamed Hams But It’s Directed By Quentin Tarantino

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 10th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Wiggles have released a song about social distancing.

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 9th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: Kiwis: the contactless payment limits without a PIN are about to be increased to $200 (from $80). …

: This snowboarding balaclava is excellent, comfortable and is easy to breath through. And I don’t …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 8th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: I’ve been playing with the idea of making a mask for wearing out. I’ve just remembered I …

: I hope if nothing else changes, this new normal will force people to stay home when they’re sick …

: I think I need to adjust my dark-mode css. There’s dark, and then there’s black, and I’ve fallen …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 7th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: All this working from home and video conferencing makes it abundant that centred cameras embedded in …

: Jacinda Ardern has announced that, during the current lockdown/rāhui, the Easter Bunny has been …

: Is the new season of Westworld any good?

: It happened. I ate so much in the first two weeks of quarantine that now I have to go on a diet …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 6th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: I just went for a walk. It was so quiet. Loudest sounds were my feet against the footpath, birds …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 5th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: For some reason, today’s 24 hour lockdown feels like a 25 hour lockdown.

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 4th of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: There’s been discussion on the pronunciation of U in French. I’m very shaky in my French …

: We should be on summer time all year. Stop this weird winter time rubbish (we’re in DLS for a …

: If you’re signing up to Amazon Prime video in New Zealand, do it through an Apple device. It’ll …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 3rd of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 2nd of April 2020 Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look …

: Just managed to get to the supermarket for some supplies. I’d just like to say thank you to all the …

: The Quarantine Quiz for the 1st of April 2020 Every day for the rest of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for …

: When I’m thinking about masks, it feels like a very foreign phenomenon. And I’m not comfortable with …

: 🖖🏼 There aren’t enough (any) Andorians in modern Star Trek. Like Vulcan, Andoria was a founding …

: I am hesitant to buy things online if Apple Pay isn’t an option. It’s so good!

: iOS tip: if you type “live long and prosper” iOS will suggest auto-correcting to 🖖🏼

: There’s a couple of French terms I’d like to share, which I particularly like. Both related to …

: We're Going on an Emoji Bear Hunt 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🔭🐻🎣☀️😀 🙀🌾🚫⤴️⤵️✅➡️ 🌾🌾🌾 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🔭🐻🎣☀️😀 🙀🏞️🚫⤴️⤵️✅➡️ 🤽🤽‍♀️🤽‍♀️ 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🔭🐻🎣☀️😀 🙀🚫⤴️⤵️✅➡️ 🐾🐾🐾 …

: Here’s a tip on doing haircuts, New Zealand. If you are going to do them, and do them poorly, …

: First quarantine haircut went… poorly.

: Pringles: Just Eat One, Don’t Be A Hungus

: If you’re sad Star Trek Picard has finished, and you want more Star Trek, Star Trek: Voyager …

: My glorious wife just went to the supermarket. I was very apprehensive about going next week. So …

: Back in my day, we’d all go out, of our houses and cram into places called bars where we’d drink …

: Half of my family lives in the UK. One of my two cousins lives in Paris (yes, tiny family). We’re …

: There’s also no city council who’d have the guts to do this when everyone is in lockdown, as …

: FaceTime conference calling with friends and family during this lockdown is amazing.

: Allow me to introduce you to The Cosmonaut. It’s a crayon-style stylus for touch devices. It’s …

: I feel like we’re having this pandemic about a decade before AR glasses would have made tele …

: Perfect quarantine weather.

: Day one complete. How are you going Aotearoa?

: Weirdest thing I saw today: kids (of a single family) playing on the road without fear of being …

: If you’re familiar with Palmerston North, this was Featherston Street, a major thoroughfare, at …

: Kicking myself for not bringing my bike home from my parents’ last time I was there. Now I’m …

: I’m absolutely loving using a pointing device on the iPad. It’d obviously be better with a track pad …

: Another iPad OS 13.4 top tip: Using a keyboard, the macOS-style ⌘-Shift-4 shortcut will take a …

: Just popped to the pharmacy to grab a prescription repeat. Queue out the door. One-in-one-out …

: Top tip for using a trackpad or mouse on iPadOS: if you go down to the bottom, the dock will pop up. …

: I’m using a mouse on my iPad and it’s so weird.

: Go Hard, Stay Home

: Hey children and grandchildren of Mediterranean and Mediterranean-adjacent mothers and grandmothers. …

: I’ve been to a few of these places. Seeing them empty is both eery and encouraging. The Great Empty.

: Working in the mining industry, the term PPE was all encompassing. I didn’t even think that people …

: New Zealand: Self Isolation Nation.

: Grim silver lining: the road toll this year is probably going to be really low compared to last …

: If you’re stuck at home and really want some excellent sci-fi to watch: Star Trek Voyager from …

: I feel a little smug that I made a triple batch of pizza bases a month ago (just so I didn’t …

: Went shopping. Supermarket was busy, but not crazy. Most things in stock, but flour was completely …

: About to head to the supermarket Or as it’s now known, THUNDERDOME

: And somewhere in the darkness The Gambler he broke even And in his final word I found An ace that I …

: F1 drivers prepare for face-off in virtual races following postponements – all sport is video games …

: Pre-Lockdown Brew Day I’ve got a brew day organised with some friends tomorrow. Aotearoa isn’t in a lockdown yet, …

: The Doctor Who Helped Defeat Smallpox Explains What’s Coming.

: 🖖🏼 You know who would’ve been way cooler to beam on the ship and say “You owe me a ship, Picard”? …

: Kurzgesagt - The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do.

: 12” iPad Pro with Magic Keyboard and Pencil (256 GB) OR 13” 2.4 GHz Macbook Pro (256GB) Same price. …

: I tend to panic buy enough food and supplies to last a week, every week. I call it “grocery …

: Don’t Panic

: When reading something about a new product, my jaw has dropped perhaps once or twice. Reading about …

: If we’re all socially distancing ourselves by 2 meters can I… stop wearing deodorant?

: Feeling sick? Don’t be a dick! Self-quarantine is essential to beating Corona Virus and saving …

: Now is the time for some tech firm to release gesture-based POS machines and supermarket …

: A question. My Series 0 Apple Watch is slowly dying. It will need replacing at some point in the …

: We’ll get through this. Wash your hands. Don’t be racist. Watch our for your neighbours. Don’t …

: 2010 and 2020

: 🏏 Also of note in the Empty SCG: Black Caps seem to be doing foot taps instead of high fives. …

: 🏏 Watching New Zealand play Australia in an empty Sydney Cricket Ground. Eerily silent, only the …

: 🖖🏼 There are far too few Andorians in modern Star Trek.

: We just cancelled our trip to the US and Canada. Maybe more of a postponement, but all the same, …

: If you strung all the documentaries about World War 2 end to end, how many times longer would they …

: I really wonder what carbon emission impact COVID19 forcing people to telecommute will have. China …

: I wonder if Covid-19 will be a defining moment for a person’s generation. Pre-covid and post-covid …

: The only country in the Commonwealth of Nations that celebrates Commonwealth Day seems to be… the …

: Instead of panic buying toilet paper, just think, what would Macgyver do?

: Boost your immune system in one easy step: get vaccinated.

: 🇫🇷 Today, for the first time since I started learning french almost 3 years ago, I had a …

: Currently the world’s most dangerous emoji: 🤦🏻

: Just saw a gentleman typing on his laptop by stabbing the keys with the end of a pencil. Can’t blame …

: Top Covid-19 tip: you can touch your face if you’ve just washed and dried your hands. But wash and …

: I don’t regularly listen to either Taylor Swift or Beyonce. And I wouldn’t call myself a fan of …

: I have a post written, which has some personal information in it. I’m a very private person, am I’m …

: I’m betting WWDC will be cancelled.

: 🖖🏼 I always thought the captain’s private office off the bridge on Star Trek was the Radio Room, but …

: You guys! Star Trek Voyager Season 4 is really good!

: Wellington and Wellington-adjecent peeps: remember to get your feedback in on the LGWM safer speeds …

: 🏏 A solid 2-0 victory in the test series, and a 3-0 whitewash of the ODI series for the Black Caps …

: Keep Calm and Wash Your Hands

: In this time of potential pandemic, remember, this is a good reminder to keep your emergency kit up …

: I’m pleased to report that people in Palmerston North aren’t buying thousands of rolls of toilet …

: Why Blue Whales Don’t Get Cancer - Peto’s Paradox Or, why large animals don’t get nearly as much …

: I’ve had influenza once or twice in my life. The actual flu. It is not a heavy cold. You feel like …

: If you need a little tune to hum to make sure you’re washing your hands for long enough, the first …

: 🖖🏼 I do love my Next Generation era Star Trek. But the “consoles” they use don’t seem to have any …

: This is remarkably calming to watch. Satisfaction: Mug - YouTube.

: The first, hopefully, of many. Luxembourg is first country to make all public transport free

: For Kiwis needing some discount computer equipment and tech, there’s a fire sale at PBTech due …

: The real potential of the electric vehicle revolution. In short, electric cars would be an …

: I’ve started watching Star Trek Voyager from season 4, as it feels about the time I may have stopped …

: The iOS dictionary is as thick as a brick when in the Twitter compose box. I write exaserbated, …

: On the left: a beer brewed by Behemoth that the head brewer vowed to brew until Trump was impeached, …

: After learning French for coming up to three years, I feel I have to regretfully inform New …

: “I regret to inform you, you only have 2 months to live.” “Oh my god, I’ve wasted my life. I wish …

: 🏏 A comprehensive 10 wicket victory by the Black Caps (their 100th win). India have a real issue …

: More like rockenspiel

: I watched the first episode of The Man in the High Castle last night. I don’t know if I need a nazi …

: Companies need to stop trying to turn their products or services into a community. If it’s …

: These are an abomination. And I love them.

: ⌘-A Delete

: “Hmmm, I should buy an ebike. Because it’ll let me get places as quick as a car and quicker …

: And voici ça. Giant text.

: Getting my eues checked, which involves drops which dilate my pupils, making reading normal sized …

: I am a good bitch.

: It’s been over 30°C for the last few days, and extremely humid too. I wish the weather would have …

: Oh no. I’ve finished the last season of The Expanse and I have to wait a week until there’s a new …

: Someone convince me that this is a really dumb eBike to buy for commuting.

: So… anyone have recommendations for food and drink establishments in Vancouver and Seattle? Because …

: I want as many Romulan Warrior Nun stories as there are grains of sand in the Beta Quadrant.

: Les roses sont rouges Et les violettes sont violettes C’est mon premier poème Écrit en français!

: Update: I remembered my password. That’ll save me several hours. Only took 6 failed attempts.

: My prediction: I’ll be locked out for ages, I’ll eventually get to 10 failed attempts and my phone …

: Uh-oh. I reset my password on my phone but I can’t remember exactly what I set it to. 5 failed …

: I’m so two thousand and late.

: Sometimes I think I should turn on more notifications on my phone so it looks like I’m really …

: Thinking on my ridiculously long password: that 75 billion quadrillion quadrillion quadrillion …

: My current iPhone password would take approximately 75 billion quadrillion quadrillion quadrillion …

: I just watched the actual final of The Good Place, The Final Chapter. Holy moly I cried a lot. What …

: Finally! It’s the most first world of first world problems, but this “feature” literally made the …

: I know everyone else has already watched it, but the latest season of The Expanse is really, really …

: Worst places to be (morning vs mis-afternoon)

: Lifehack tip: whatever bed size you have, buy a duvet one size bigger. e.g., if your bed is a queen, …

: Siblings can be regarded as zeroth cousins. So… could one regard themselves as their negative-first …

: Fantastical 3 If anyone is annoyed with the recent changes to Fantastical with the launch of Fantastical 3, which …

: Hang on. I thought I’d seen the final of The Good Place with the episode Patty (S04E12), but …

: Remember when there were just 3 Star Wars films, and everyone agreed there was an excellent one and …

: If I could write a computer virus I’d make it so it looked like the high end smartphones it infected …

: 🖖🏼 After watching episode 2 of Picard, I’m thinking Jean-Luc needs to get a wiggle on if he’s going …

: Over the past few days Netflix has sent me an email, everyday, saying “Don’t forget to finish …

: What they say: “Urgh, that’s a terrible French accent.” What they mean, knowingly or not: “I would …

: 🏏 The final India v New Zealand T20 is on tonight. But I reckon I’ll tune in at 23:00 to watch the …

: An Australian bush fire-coloured evening sun in Aotearoa.

: 🏏

: 🏏 I’m at the cricket! /cc @pratik

: I just watched the final of The Good Place, and it was… perfect.

: How dairy alternatives stack up. I personally drink soy milk, which turns out to be one if the best. …

: Sometimes I skip between reading a headline and then the short description of the article below it. …

: Meanwhile, in New Zealand vintage train news: Lumsden hoists 1885 V-class locomotive from tonnes of …

: 🏏 Why can’t we ever win a super over.

: Augmented and virtual reality could destroy the travel industry. Unfortunately it’s a decade or more …

: After decades, the wild things from Where the Wild Things Are still freak me out.

: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. If a doctor eats an apple, they explode into a paradoxical …

: You know you’re old if it feels like 2003 was just a few years ago, and 2035 is an incomprehensible …

: One thing that always confused me about the uniforms in Star Trek TNG is that Picard’s never …

: That was an interesting episode of Doctor Who (Season 12 Episode 9).

: With the (justified) panic regarding Coronavirus, remember that “[those face masks are absolute …

: 🖖🏼 J’aime écouter Jean-Luc parler français. That was… interesting. Seems a lot’s happened in the …

: 🖖🏼 It’s dark, I’ve got my headphones on, there’s no cricket on, and so I can finally watch episode 1 …

: Small possibility we may be visiting BC and Seattle this year.

: “By far, the modern use of the word ‘decimate’ is people correcting others that they’ve misused the …

: It’s shaping up to be a hot weekend. 27° tomorrow and 28° on Sunday. Oof I need to chill some beer.

: 🏏 My beloved Black Caps are dominating in the first quarter of their innings. Will be interesting to …

: I was surprised.

: Oh no. What kind of timing is this!?

: If you’re a Star Trek fan, you have to watch this. No, you’re crying.

: I just turned the world into an open face sandwich.

: M’lady woke up in a panic last night saying a giant spider had just bitten her. I thought she’d …

: I like learning French with Duolingo, but something that’s infuriating is the listening: “Ils …

: 🖖🏼 I’m watching a lot of Voyager before Picard comes out. A question I have RE the Borg is why they …

: I am 100% buying one of these CO₂ tank Sodastream adaptors when they become available, because …

: 🖖🏼 There is the premier of a brand new series of Star Trek this week. It’s only ever happened 7 …

: I’m rewatching Star Trek Voyager. Turns out I’ve never seen the last two seasons(!) One …

: Given the iPhone limits computing a guess for a password every 80 milliseconds, brute forcing my …

: 🖖🏼 I love how quaint the replicator orders for coffee are in Star Trek. Picard specifies the tea he …

: Both of these passports have expired. I’m only renewing one. Can you guess which?

: I’d say 128 GB is enough.

: I wish the low power mode colour on iOS was blue rather than that lemon yellow.

: I’m making this public now: if I am fortunate enough to grow old, I’m going full, white santa beard.

: I wonder if writers write TV scripts now with the assumption that most people are on their phones …

: How to sing any song like Eddie Vedder: jam your tongue into the roof of your mouth and don’t move …

: Australia Is Committing Climate Suicide The article notes Gorbachev saying of Chernobyl that it was …

: Duolingo app to include Te Reo Maori by end of year – ka pai!

: I’ve had a short sci-fi story knocking around in my head for years and I know how it’ll start and …

: If you use Duolingo, I have some sage advice. Ignore the leagues. They’re pointless and ruin the …

: Did pre-industrial people used to get sunburnt? It seems like an evolutionary hiccup to be so easily …

: What happened to mambos numbered 1–4?

: Children of Mars (the Star Trek short trek) is some crazy post-TNG pre-Picard cannon. Holy smokes.

: I made an effort to not watch the six o’clock news a couple of months ago. And I don’t miss it at …

: Star Trek Picard, Star Trek Discovery, Dr Who, The Manadalorian and The Expanse all feel like …

: At 27/4, I’m going to say it’s unlikely NZ will win this test match.

: I may have over committed on the liquids.

: My iPhone (XR in my case) is having its battery murdered. My battery health is at 96%, but it went …

: I backed a trailer perfectly over the weekend. I had a solid year of pulling a trailer around …

: I often think, if cars became unpopular and people stopped needing all that space to park them, …

: I witched the Witcher. The first episode was really bad. The second was a lot better, but still …

: Foreground: beer and BBQ. Background: aroubd a third of the debris produced from 5 hours worth of …

: And no, it’s not fantastic, but I watched season 1, so I’m committed. Add it to the currently static …

: Blueberry picking today. And again I learned I can eat blueberries quicker than I can pick them.

: There are surprisingly few films set in 2020.

: A new episode of Doctor Who, Star Trek Picard is out in three weeks, I’ve only managed to watch one …

: “All our packaging is astrodegradable”

: My Series 0 Apple Watch went from “lasts right up until the late evening” on the 30th, to “won’t …

: It’s been twenty long years, but we finally have a year we can shorten to something that sounds …

: Want a new years resolution that doesn’t involve strapping on running shoes? Learn another language. …

: Aotearoa! 2020. Happy new year. And welcome to the twenties.

: ‪We’re 30 minutes away from 2020 in Aotearoa. Wish us luck!‬

: What a perfect day in Wellington today.

: Everyone thinks I’m a much bigger Star Wars fan than I am. The real issue is Star Trek merch isn’t …

: Does every major studio have an Oval Office set, or is there an Oval Office Set Incorporated that …

: It. Is. The. Twenty. Sixth. Of. December.

: 🏏 Watching the Boxing Day Test with dad. The perfect boxing day activity.

: There’s a particular word starting with “s” and rhyming with “fart” mossing from these low-end …

: Santa is the god of procrastination. Sits around all year while others toil, then gets his job done …

: Kiwi Kirihime. Step 5, sleep for three hours because you have some horrible gastro bug (image …

: Kiwi Kirihime. Step 4, cook brunch on the barbecue at the in-laws. Bare feet, t-shirt and shorts.

: Kiwi Kirihimete. Step 3, gift unwrapping at the in-laws (a small hail is a the best haul)

: Kiwi Christmas step 2: present unwrapping at the parents’

: Kiwi Christmas. Step one, wake up at 6:30 long after sunrise.

: Watching Die Hard. Hans Gruber is about 30 minutes away from falling off the Nakatomi building, at …

: Christmas time. The time of year I’m busy enough and interacting with real life people that all my …

: Thinking on my slow Raspberry Pi… I normally leave my iMac on all the time. Maybe I should …

: I run a Raspberry Pi Zero as a little media server. And it’s fine. Works pretty well and reliably. …

: Bliss Balls aren’t health food.

: I’m going to be unequivocal here. Star Wars IX: The Rise of Skywalker Iwas absolutely fantastic. …

: TV Subscriptions Not including sport subscription services, or services that sell movies to stream, these are all the …

: The Watchmen TV series is really, really good.

: ‪Prediction: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker will be 80% fan service references to obscure Star Wars …

: In TV news I’ve finally signed up for Prime Video. At NZ$4.50 a month, it’s a bargain. That’s NZ$54 …

: ‪I really want to watch The Expanse season 4, but Star Wars IX is out on Thursday (I’m going with a …

: Public Transport - The Ultimate Luxury I took the bus into Wellington yesterday (from Johnsonville). I was right up front on a double …

: Is this true for anyone else? Your microwave: 800 watts, takes 30 seconds to defrost some bread …

: Raspberry is the only correct flavour of jam.

: 🏏 The iconic sound of test cricket is something saying “waiting no”

: I know it’s a little thing, but can people making TV, movies and adverts please fill those empty …

: A maxed-out Mac Pro with a matte XDR display (with a stand), would cost NZ$102,817. Obviously, no …

: How is Whakaari privately owned? Weird.

: The Whakaari eruption is a national tragedy. It’s been a rough year for Aotearoa.

: New Zealanders, no matter who they are, should watch the RNZ series The Aotearoa History Show

: The Mandalorian is… surprisingly good. I have spoken.

: This is fine. Oceans running out of oxygen as temperatures rise

: Final Space season 2 – it made me laugh and cry and I can’t wait for more.

: Final Space season 3 can’t come soon enough. The finale of season 2 was just brilliant.

: I’ve been meaning to get around to signing up for Disney Plus so I can watch The Mandelorian. But …

: This is my great grandfather. He was born in Damascus (we think), but spent most of his life in …

: ‪Is the Baby Yoda in The Mandalorian actually Yoda, or another member of Yoda’s species?‬ I have …

: Does anyone else automatically call eggplant, aubergine? I’ve always known them as aubergine, but my …

: I had a haircut and trimmed my 3 month beard to stubble and now FaceID doesn’t recognise me.

: The Guardian piece, Highway to Hell: The Rise and Fall of the Car features this ad from 1962.

: 🏏 New Zealand limping through the morning on the second day of the second test, losing 2 wickets so …

: Making bread is easy. Just take some flour and some water, slosh them around in your mouth, and then …

: My Coffee Cup You may have a favourite coffee cup at work or home. One you always reach for when you’re set on …

: Netflix is hiking their prices by $2 a month to NZ$17. Which is the same price as my 2TB iCloud …

: Naming That Star Trek Show So we have: Star Trek Star Trek the Next Generation (named after the generation) Star Trek Deep …

: Sooo… I’m thinking about doing a short podcast series, say six episodes, where I talk about …

: Technological Convergence We live in a glorious age of technological convergence. There’s very little your phone, or …

: Our passionfruit and feijoas are flowering. Looking forward to the mid–late summer fruit haul.

: Sure, @miraz has Waikawa to boast about. But here’s Koitiata, as the sun is setting into the Tasman …

: I’m about to repost a couple of photo posts from yesterday. There was a problem with my SSL so they …

: 🏏 Finally. Finally! The cricket gods have granted the Black Caps a deserved victory. New Zealand …

: So fun fact: the Tesla Cybertruck is probably impossible to use as a vehicle at the litium, iron and …

: The Tesla Cybertruck could not be used on any mine or worksites I’ve ever worked on. So good for …

: Have electric cars reversed climate change and saved the world yet?

: I so want a smaller phone. I love the battery life of my XR, but it’s just gigantic.

: Multimodal Acoustic Trap Display - the first step to science fiction-style hologram displays.

: I was just reminded of The Point! by Harry Nilsson. I must have listened to this album (on vinyl!) …

: Remember the propellant-free EM drive? Turns out the propulsion they measured at NASA was the …

: Who um-actuallys the um-actuallers?

: This is the same beer. The inly difference is the one on the left had some lime zest put into it …

: I hope my Aussie peeps are staying safe with the bush fires. Australian fires this large can result …

: Neutron Stars – The Most Extreme Things that are not Black Holes. I had never heard of kilonova. …

: Noses are weird, aren’t they?

: This new electric ferry is mind blowing in its efficiency. $250,000 a year in fuel savings and …

: How to Add Dark Mode to your Custom CSS Dark mode is now a feature over all of Apple’s operating systems. With this mode, if selected, …

: Hoiho wins Brid of the Year.

: Wellington’s new electric ferry to slash owners’ fuel bill. A quarter of a million …

: Added dark mode to my css, if that’s how you roll (like me). If you’re interested, let …

: Eeeee! Final Space Season 2 is coming out on November 24th!

: If anyone is interested in TV set up minimalism, this is my TV and the “rack” of equipment behind …

: I know there’s a big industry around what Apple should buy, but they should buy Disney and Nintendo.

: There needs to be an emoji for a quick nose exhale half laugh. Somewhere between 🙂 and 😤

: 🏏 The Black Caps absolutely crushed by England in fame four of the T20 series. The series is now …

: Black hole is such a dumb name. They should be called black stars. Or in French, les étoiles noires.

: Steamed Hams but There’s a Different Animator Every 13 Seconds

: 🏏 It’s a cricket kinda day. First up, the Wellington Firebirds play Auckland Aces at the Basin …

: I can’t decide if using swipe typing is faster than tap typing on my phone. It feels slower, but I …

: Ardern says New Zealand on ‘right side of history’ as MPs pass zero-carbon bill.

: Look at this madness. Selling oats in plain cardboard without an internal plastic bag. Like things …

: The calendar for the Human Era year of 12,020 is now out at Kurzgesagt. And you should definitely …

: Everyone, everywhere should just permanently switch to summer time. The sun being at its highest at …

: Dance like no one’s watching. But realise everyone is.

: Why are oil and vinegar in completely different parts of the supermark… oh.

: 🏏 A decisive victory for the Black Caps. The Summer of Revenge continues! Black Caps completed their …

: 🏏 NZ openers doing well in Wellington. 30/1 after 4.

: 🏏 The Blackcaps face England in the second T20 in my beloved Wellington, starting in about 30 …

: This shot of Saturn just as the Moon is about to pass in front of it is from Ian Griffin on Twitter

: Some of the keyboard shortcuts (text replacement) I use in iOS: :-> → → :- → • :tm → ™ :* → ★ …

: Anyone else having an issue sharing Shortcuts in iOS 13.2? Seems like it’s 100% broken.

: They won! The All Blacks won the Rugby World Cup! (third place game)

: So far, Disenchantment has been disappointing.

: Unlike Guy Fawkes, Halloween makes sense in NZ in the late Spring. It’s light until 8pm, it’s …

: If you do a Spotlight search for “itunes” in macOS 10.15 Catalina and just press enter, …

: As Google seems to want to buy Fitbit, now may be the time to delete your Fitbit data and close your …

: Tickets have been purchased for a late morning showing the next day, so I can tick this off for the …

: Wow that’s expensive!

: I use Duolingo to augment my night class French lessons. I occasionally click on other users’ …

: Traditional owners relieved as Uluru closed off to climbers. This should be happening around the …

: Wearing the classic Aotearoa spring ensemble today: warm marino long sleeve top and shorts.

: Wow, lazy bones! Why aren’t your bones more energetic?

: It’s been one of those mornings where I’ve looked at the clock and thought “Holy crap! …

: Home brewers out there who don’t care for Beersmith, because it’s beyond ugly and …

: Twitter is down. Which is brilliant.

: If Rio Tinto does close Tiwai Point, New Zealand gets over half a gigawatt (570 MW) of zero-carbon …

: It’ll be nice, at some point in the future, Kiwis will be able to go outside in the summer without …

: Google Is Shifting Some Products Toward Paid Subscriptions Start charging for GMail, I dare ya!

: Nobody mourns for Porkins.

: 🏏 Wellington doing well against Otago in the first Plunket Shield match. Otago all out for 199, the …

: Cool. The latest update of macOS means I don’t have to run “killall Dock” in a terminal to make the …

: The cricket season has started in Aotearoa. So I will be saying a lot about cricket at times. So for …

: NZ’s bid to become first dark sky nation: ‘It’s about controlling light’ …

: E-Bikes are the New Cars

: On Tinkering, Wasting Time and The True Value of Doing It Yourself My Feed Wrangler subscription is about to expire, so I decided to set up miniflux on my home …

: Here’s a handy guide if you’re considering deleting your Facebook account.

: If you’re a Kiwi or Kiwi-adjacent, you should be listening to RNZ’s The Detail podcast. Short …

: If you’re interested, NZ parliament is sitting right now and you can watch it live here.

: I’ve completed fermentation of my raspberry wheat beer. It’s sitting at 4.2% ABV, which is higher …

: New Zealand banned single use plastic bags on the 1st of July. Incredibly, the sky hasn’t fallen in …

: I will sell my soul for a billion Facebook Libres.

: Someone in the houses around us just bought a new “smart” TV!

: A ringing phone is effectively someone screaming “Talk to me now! Drop what you’re doing! Talk …

: I have a BMX and a mountain bike. I’m considering dusting both off so I can use them to run the odd …

: What the hell macOS 10.15!?

: Some people love big phones. Others tolerate them.

: I may have posted this before - A Selfish Argument for Making the World a Better Place – Egoistic …

: Jacinda Ardern greets Stephen Colbert at Auckland Airport.

: Unhappy Spark Sport customers horrified it now has cricket rights A lot can go wrong with streaming. …

: I guess I have to do this if I want reminders and the like to work on my Mac too…

: I’m not going to suggest anyone, including myself, should do this. But this may be one of the best …

: So in order to watch my Sci Fi shows, legally, in the future, I’ll have to subscribe to the …

: Ocean cleanup device successfully collects plastic for first time Yes, plastic waste occupies the …

: “macOS 10.15 Catalina released” - yeah, imma wait.

: What The Golf just straight out crashes on my AppleTV. Apple Arcade games have been a less than …

: Redout: Space Assault is unplayable on the Apple TV. Slow, stuttery, laggy. This shouldn’t be on …

: I understand that you’re fast, but why are you so furious?

: Recently found out I’m part Italian. That’d explain my love of pizza and my luxurious moustache.

: Brewing done! Managed to get the original gravity (the amount of sugar extracted from the grains) to …

: Scientists observe mysterious cosmic web directly for first time - mind-blowing in its implications …

: I’m brewing today (a small batch of wheat lager that I’ll be adding raspberries into for …

: I bought an XBox One controller today, to play Apple Arcade games with. Sayonara Hearts is …

: Healthy frost on the car this morning. Unexpected for early October (the equivalent of April for you …

: It’s international Coffee Day. 80 espresso shots delivers a lethal dose of caffeine, so …

: All my time as a scientist and talking to other scientists, whenever Planck (constant, length, …

: What was that whooshing sound? It was September.

: When was the last time you went out and intentionally left your phone at home? I just did and it was …

: Does anyone know if Mario Kart Tour on iOS can be played with a controller?

: We’re down to 3 clocks we have to manually reset for Daylight Savings. I one day hope we just switch …

: How To Fix Your iPad Air 2 After Installing iPadOS 13.1 If you’re having issues with really slow performance, issues connecting to WiFi and Bluetooth and an …

: Will this break my wife’s iPad Air 2? Who knows. Looks like thebissues I had are limited - inly a …

: Daylight Savings starts tomorrow here in Aotearoa. I wish they’d just switch to summer time …

: YouTube is just excellent at targeted advertising. I just had adverts for KitKats (which I …

: ARKit, VRKit, mind-bendingly efficient CPUs, dedicated silicon for short-range ultra wide band …

: What If We Detonated All Nuclear Bombs at Once? - it’s not quite as bad as you may think. However, …

: Final iPad update: updating my iPad Air 2 to iPadOS 13.1 broke all Wifi networking. It took putting …

: iPad update: after nuking my iPad from orbit, it can now connect to my WiFi. I’ll be restoring from …

: iPad update: I was able to put my SIM card into my iPad and erase it. So I’ll try starting from …

: Bricked. Thanks iPadOS!

: Upgrading my iPad to iPadOS 13.1 has broken all network connectivity on my iPad. Bluetooth - fails …

: Before you hit the update button to upgrade your iPad to iPadOS tomorrow, have a watch of iPadOS 13: …

: Sorry about my rapid pace of posting today. I’m clearing out my Safari tabs.

: Faster Than We Thought: What Stories Will Survive Climate Change? “We must learn to become …

: Why the Manawatū is so called “Manawatū has its origins in a waiata, Ka tatū e hine ko Manawatū, describing the search by …

: Haunted Mac Pro for sale “Pick up in West Auckland only (after 7:30pm if week nights) because I …

: 2D Apple Maps satellite view of Wellington (MacOS) vs 3D view. 2D: dull and horrid, 3D bright and …

: Should meat be banned to save the planet? – if that’s what it takes, yes.

: The weekend was gloriously warm. Very much looking forward to summer. Daylight saving begins on …

: Here you go, @gabz, this is my game collection at its greatest. I sold almost all of it.

: I wonder why Apple included OS support for Playstation and XBox controllers, but not the Nintendo …

: How to use the amazing new text tools in iPadOS - these also work on the iPhone, although the …

: Indonesia to send contaminated recyling back to NZ – good. The west needs to take care of its own …

: This staggered rollout of iOS 13 on different devices are s really confusing.

: “We’ve got a lot more out of not having a car than we’ve lost” – perfectly possible in …

: It’s a warm day in spring. So I’m helping cool the planet down by exposing my high albedo legs.

: “The customer is always right” is the Wilhelm Scream of people who’ve never worked in retail.

: I like this a lot in iOS 13. You’ve reached your limit. See ya. No “remind me in 15 minutes because …

: I’ll be interested to see how Optimised Battery Charging works considering I charge my XR every …

: Watching The Great Hack. Didn’t think I could get any angrier at Facebook…

: Disenchantment Season 2!

: Do I do it, with all the reports of it being buggy!?

: I’m a trend setter.

: “voilà“ is not pronouce woh-lah. It’s more or less v-wha-la.

: This is me noting that it is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Imagine that previous sentence …

: Fossil of ancient bony-toothed bird found in Canterbury. Mindblowing discovery that potentially …

: Update (in the pantry, of course?)

: This morning I somehow lost my travel coffee cup. I was drinking from it, put it down and ✨poof✨ …

: I know this may spark a war, but if I were to buy a controller for Apple Arcade games, should I get …

: What’s Hiding at the Most Solitary Place on Earth? The Deep Sea – Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

: The ‘Nek Minnit’ guy on becoming a meme: ‘You just feel helpless’

: Netflix’s reboot of Cowboy Bebop to be filmed in Auckland. Firstly, that’s a great get for New …

: Apple should buy Disney.

: A blustery day in Whanganui a Tara (Wellington).

: Tip: you can reuse your Aeropress filters many times. Just give them a rinse between uses.

: The exterior design of the iPhone hasn’t really changed since the iPhone 6 from 2014. And, spoiler …

: The Faster Than Light drive they use in Another Life is called an Alcubierre Drive, which is an idea …

: I just finished watching Another Life on Netflix. I really, really liked it, but I’m disappointed it …

: I just laughed at a joke written entirely in French. I feel like I’ve reached a new level in my …

: Une bibliothèque n’est pas une discothèque.

: There was an error connecting to the Apple ID server I recently had an issue with my iMac - namely when I tried to open the App Store, it demanded I log …

: The Expanse - A New Horizon - neatly sums up why I like The Expanse too.

: I was worried with all these new services coming up, I’d be paying Apple around $30 every month for …

: “I have charged my cellphone 3 times in the last week” 2019: “Wow! That’s amazingly long battery …

: TIMELAPSE OF THE FUTURE: A Journey to the End of Time

: This iPhone XR is ruining me with regard to battery life. Just checked my battery percentage and …

: I’ve been using soy milk in my coffees for well over a decade. Cow’s milk taste horrible …

: The Egg, by Andy Weir. Animated by Kurzgesagt.

: Something big is on fire in Palmerston North Update: apparently it’s roadworks. They’re …

: I wish I could move iCloud Safari tabs between devices. As in, I have a tab open on my iPhone …

: E-scooter injuries as severe as car crashes - study - costing the health system $360,577 in surgery …

: Maybe it’s learning another language that’s doing it, but recently the word …

: Car blindness — Ignoring the true cost of cars

: Avoid putting plastic into the environment by not using it in the first place. Here are two tins I …

: What If We CLEARED the Amazon?

: Mars is awful. You almost certainly don’t want to go there. Building a Marsbase is a Horrible …

: Could Your Phone Hurt You? (Probably not).

: RE Disney Plus and Star Wars: “Disney Plus will rapidly expand globally, with plans to be in nearly …

: Every All Blacks game is free to air on TVNZ. You don’t need the internet to watch the All Blacks …

: If anyone in a good timeline ever happens to read this: hoo boy things can get bad. Really bad. …

: Teslas Can’t Drive Autonomously Around Parking Lots, but the Company Thinks That It Will Ship Full …

: Youtube: now close to unwatchable due to the frequency of video hijacking ads.

: If you need a parody of Baby Shark by some Kiwi comedians, I’ve got you covered (NSFW).

: I thought microplastics would be like mud and silt particles. Which you have knocking around in your …

: Keanu Reeves will be in a new Bill and Ted and a new Matrix movie. All he needs now is a new Speed …

: I may be about to crack 1 of the four key ingredients of my home brew - hops. Now I just have to …

: Apple Arcade may cost US$5 per month. That’d be amazingly cheap. It also means I have to drop almost …

: I only heard that earthquake #eqnz

: It’s a small steel keg ($95), not a car. Holy hell.

: I love home brewing. My only gripe is that most equipment is set up to brew batches of ~20 L. I …

: How many batteries does this need? 3? That’s super convenient because batteries all come in packs of …

: Hey Google, stop breaking the web!

: U ownly hav tu be lerning another langwage for a littel wyl to realize how messed up Inglish …

: OMG! Yes!

: We did it everyone! We filled the air with potentially toxic plastic! Microplastics ‘significantly …

: Shopping online in New Zealand: Product: $99 USD Shipping: $120 USD Nope.

: Just a reminder, media: in the next couple of years, Millennials will start turning 40 and all baby …

: ‘I don’t smell!’ Meet the people who have stopped washing. I wash my hair 4 or 5 times a year – …

: Brother printers ad: “Need to set up a printer? Call our call centre 24/7. We can connect to your …

: Electric scooters aren’t as eco-friendly as they seem, study finds Makes sense. Still way …

: I really want to strip down my iPhone to the absolute bare minimum apps. As in, maybe 10 apps tops. …

: This? Just a perfectly normal farm house with a thousand aerials. Definitely not a clandestine …

: I’d love to be able to leave the house with just my phone. There’s just a couple of issues: There’s …

: I just watched the first episode of the Netflix series Another Life. I was going to turn it off half …

: Photos of the Taranaki coastline this afternoon. The first one makes me think of some epic sci-fi …

: Waltr looks really interesting and useful. Although I don’t have a need for it, it should be …

: If you’re selling Mac software online, you should allow payment with Apple Pay. There’s …

: Ethiopia plants 350m trees in a day to help tackle climate crisis. Puts Aotearoa’s goal of planting …

: Free-wheeling: Why e-bike commuters are happiest

: I think I’ll buy one of these Studio Neat Canopy cases for the Magic Keyboard next year when I plan …

: Last week I got into a spiral of Twitter addiction again. So I’ve logged out on my phone, so now my …

: Blue is my favourite fruit!

: Percentages of revenue are the only way to make them take notice. And double-digit percentages at …

: Of only there were a term for this area of the world where all these countries, and others, exist …

: I have a $660 billion idea: for every 1ppm of CO₂ someone permanently pulls out of the atmosphere, …

: Bonjour les gens qui parlent français. J’ai une question facile: est-ce que “tu” êtes pluriel …

: Flat Belgian Blonde: I’ve added the required sugar to 2 flip-top bottles. They both foamed a little, …

: I brewed a Belgian Blonde a month ago. Cracked a bottle this evening for a taste and realised I …

: 114.6 kg (~253 lbs) in July 2018, 94.3 kg (~208 lbs) this morning. Total loss is 20.3 kg (~45 lbs). …

: Spending the day in Wellington. Taking the train there and back. Like a gentleman. 🚞

: 🏏 that was a pretty rotten way to end one of the greatest games of cricket ever played. No matter …

: 🏏 Current status.

: 🏏 I’ll be up all night watching the Cricket World Cup final. I’m dury bound as a long-suffering …

: “Delivery time to New Zealand: 7–25 business days” That’s… quite a range. Are you shipping it by …

: Thanks everyone. Stranger things has been added to my list.

: Should I watch Stranger Things?

: I watched Prospect on Netflix last night. Not a great film. One of those sci-fis that went to great …

: 🏏 Regarding the apparent disbelief there seems to be around New Zealand beating India. India were …

: 🏏 New Zealand are through to the Cricket World Cup final. I’d prefer we played England, so I’m …

: 🏏 @pratik Holy moly that was a close one. Could have gone either way. I was listening to it in bed …

: Who else is betting that Amazon is going to time the release of The Expanse season 4 so it’s …

: 🏏 No matter who wins the NZ v Ind semi final, it’ll be regarded as unfair by the other side. …

: Is it time to declare Matariki a public holiday? Yes! Aotearoa should be embracing its own tikanga …

: The Auckland housing crisis is so bad, it’s punched its way through spacetime to 1971. I am …

: 🏏 We farted our way in the semis, and we’ll fart our wat into the final (against England?) 🇳🇿

: Wellington is really embracing the scooter life.

: 🏏 Although to be fair, the Blackcaps are through to the semi finals now (unless a miracle happens in …

: 🏏 Just woke up to look at the score. Good lord. Pack your bags boys and come home. That was …

: 🏏 May my beloved Black Caps crush the English like they dis at the last world cup.

: Dry July is ridiculous. If you want to reduce the amount you drink, do so as a matter of course. If …

: Hey microbloggers! Are there any other homebrewers (microbrewers?) or brew curious people out there? …

: Upset about the plastic crisis? Stop trying so hard. Basically, if you’re worried about the plastic …

: 🏏 That Blackcaps v Australia game seemed like the Blackcaps v Australia game in the pool matches in …

: Had a mid winter Christmas dinner last night. That may seeem like a redundant term to you in the …

: But how will I be kept abreast of Caeser’s conquests in the Barbarian hinterland? Finnish radio …

: Oh no. This was always going to be a tough game for the Black Caps, but holy crap, fellas.

: Nothing beats a fire on a cold winters day. It feels offensively luxurious.

: Speaking of 10 litre batches, I’ve been researching fermenters. There’s small carboys that’d do the …

: I am getting more determined to start brewing smaller batches of beer. My equipment, and general …

: 🏏 The Black Caps didn’t deserve that one. Well played Pakistan.

: Amazon delivery date estimates to Aotearoa are as hilarious as Microsoft copying time from the 90s. …

: It’s Micro Monday in Aotearoa and if you’re into cricket 🏏 and want to have casual chats about the …

: This 2014 iPad Air 2 is in desperate need of a new battery. 5 years of almost constant daily use …

: That moment of relief and triumph when someone outbids you on a trading site just after you’ve found …

: 🏏 Another win for the Black Caps, but holy Cthulhu that was a close one. Classic New Zealand tactic …

: “Millennials” by XKCD.

: I may be in the market for a new TV in a couple of years. Doing research there’s about a thousand …

: 🏏 Solid win by my beloved Black Caps. Top of the table again, but with England and Australia yet to …

: Observing the Zodiacal Light is on my bucket list. It’s sunlight, reflecting on the interplanetary …

: Une demande pour Duolingo. A request for Duolingo. J’étudie française avec Duolingo. C’est très bien, mais je désire il a un mode pour lesson avec seul …

: You know what’s fun and doesn’t cost eighty dollars? Super Mario Run on iOS. Make more iOS games, …

: I’m glad I bought this 2DS XL for cheap. There’s a few old fames I want to play, which are …

: After carrying an iPhone XR around for six months, when I see a 6, 7 or 8 (non plus) I’m aghast at …

: I haven’t used Dropbox in many, many years. Mainly because iCloud. Also because Dropbox.

: Holy shit console games are expensive.

: Buy a single pen refill in New Zealand for $12 delivered. OR, buy a 10 pack of the same brand from …

: There’s going to be a new Legend of Zelda, so I’ll have to buy a Switch again, or …

: Does anyone know if mail.app on iOS 13 allows for email aliases? It’s the only reason I use a third …

: The thing I like the most about micro.blog is it’s, as dubbed by some, the slow social network. You …

: I’m sick of all my stuff being black. I’m making a change and from now on, I’m going to go for …

: The supermarket parking paradox: You want to park close enough to a trolley return so you don’t have …

: Do you guys like my DNS and media server?

: It’s a little ridiculous that the new Mac Pro will be able to be configured to have more ram than …

: Ah yes, the warning on my Apple TV that my remote needs to be recharged for the third time in four …

: One day, I’m going to have to merge my Photos folder (304 GB) with my iCloud Photos library …

: 🏏 Bangladesh 244/ New Zealand 248/8. That was way closer than it should have been. Good late bowling …

: ‘tis indeed a dark and stormy night.

: I’ve been on a classic Nintendo game kick recently. Playing Super Mario 3/World, mostly. But I also …

: Or all your files of you run your own VPN! This is excellent.

: Apple is certainly taking its time getting a replay of this morning’s keynote online. Almost 6 hours …

: 🏏 Ooof. That’s a thrashing. Reminds me of the thrashing NZ gave England in Wellington at the last …

: I closed my Backblaze account last night. Only because the exchange rate makes it a bit too …

: T’was a dark a stormy night.

: I did this two months ago. No one noticed. No one cares about tweets from 2009. Around 1,000 is my …

: Digital Detective Work 🔍 Fixing an issue on my raspberry pi today took me down a long investigative path. New static IP …

: Another few hours of suffering, having to contemplate the worse of humanity and technology. But I …

: Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES) and Super Mario World (SNES) are the greatest 2D side-scrolling …

: If you’re trying to solve a tech problem and all the search results are decade-old web pages, …

: SSDs are getting very competitively priced. They’re 4x as expensive as spinning hard drive per …

: play date looks like fun. But considering it’s half the price of a Nintendo Switch, I’m …

: Finally, you'll be able to cycle to and from the Hutt Valley Funding approved for Wellington to Hutt Valley cycling and walking path. This is brilliant! The way …

: Depending on how long this stupid, pointless trade war goes on, this could well destroy Huawei. No …

: If I could go back in time and give myself future things, one would be a Raspberry Pi 3, in a nice …

: Hey Australians. Remember if you want to move to New Zealand you can just turn up and start living …

: The final episode of GOT was… good. Really good, actually. I was expecting to be outrated and …

: About to watch the finale of Game of Thrones. I though we were going to get feature-length episodes …

: I subscribe to six website rss feeds. I think paying an annual subscription to Feedwrangler to keep …

: I’m watching John Wick Chapter 2. Laurence Fishburne has just shown up. This is definitely a Matrix …

: Happy Democracy Day Australia. Enjoy your democracy sausages!

: I’m glad there are only two Films in the Matrix franchise - The Matrix (1999) and the Animatrix …

: Given how good The Animatrix is, I’m surprised there aren’t more animated collections to other great …

: Well done Taiwan. Taiwan parliament becomes first in Asia to legalise same-sex marriage.

: I expect the GOT finale to be beyond disappointing. It’s just how big shows end; The Sopranos, …

: When I was very young, Bob Hawk was the PM of Australia and George Bush was president of the USA. I …

: I follow six websites in my RSS reader (I used to follow dozens in mutiple folders). Now I can …

: How to Save the Planet “Biodiversity equals stability” (Also, watch for the cameo of Te Whanganui a …

: Cthulhu’s Glittering Backside, it’s been a while.

: Rim of the World is classed as a “teen” movie, but it looks brilliant and funny so I’m watching it …

: I’m slowly developing a 5th backup pillar. I have 2 cloud backup services (iCloud and Backblaze), …

: Another gorgeous Wellington morning from @PolhillNZ on Twitter. Love the low sun in the Winter.

: Seems… inept.

: Workaholics are addicted to workahol.

: The Apple TV app, on the Apple TV, in Aotearoa. That’s a surprise to say the least from a point …

: Spend a few billion fitting solar and batteries in urban areas. NZ could be very close to 100% …

: Penultimate episode of Game of Thrones. I wasn’t bored, but I was disappointed. Glad it’s over next …

: Penultimate episode of Game of Thrones. I’m expecting to be bored and disappointed at the same time.

: I really like Raspberry Pis. They’re such capable, tiny little computers. But they need to stop …

: Some positive environmental news, for once. Now to get the laws passed and the transition away from …

: Sometimes you plan out doing something, start, overcome a couple of hiccups, and then finish. And it …

: When did they remove the JJ Abrams Star Trek movies from Netflix?

: These mugs are a taonga. If you’re a Kiwi, you know these mugs very, very well. Turns out we’re the …

: Can anyone recommend a distributed cloud system or product where I canhave a hard drive at my plce …

: Has anyone ordered a Starbucks and given their name as “Daenerys Targaryen, First of Her Name”?

: Just to confirm that I’ve finally worked this out: a love triangle isn’t actually a triangle, it’s a …

: Watching episode 4 of Game of Thrones Season 8 made me realise something. I don’t actually care how …

: I rebuild my Raspberry Pi from scratch recently. It’s running well, except the file server I have on …

: Here’s why moderate drinking is probably not good for you. I drink a beer (1-2 standard …

: I love the Clear Todo App, but it hasn’t been updated in 3 years, and today its iCloud syncing seems …

: Emacs, Vi, and the Linux command line are just not capable when it comes to using emoji. “Why would …

: LOL! I mean, das LOL!

: tvOS (64 bit ARM) iOS (64 bit ARM) macOS (64 bit Intel) watchOS (64 bit ARM) lightsaberOS (1 arm)

: I have programmed in many languages. I like Swift. I stumbled my way through Objective-C. Perl was …

: This is incredible. Solar eclipses on Mars, including an animation of the shadow of Phobos racing …

: Every city should do this. Amsterdam to ban petrol and diesel cars and motorbikes by 2030

: 2019-05-04 be with you.

: The New Zealand road toll now stands at 140. 140 people. If cars were anything else they’d have been …

: Awerrrrrrrraaaa! Chewbacca actor Peter Mayhew dies aged 74

: So sad to see Guyon Espiner leave Morning Report. Looking forward to what his new investigative role …

: This morning’s Wellington morning shot from @polhillnz on Twitter.

: I hope, above hopes, that when iOS 13 comes out, it’ll allow placement of app icons anywhere …

: Science Fiction isn’t about spaceships flying around going pew pew with lasers. It’s …

: So I go these yesterday. And they’re bordering on magic. I know they’ll only last as long as any …

: Just got my flu vaccine, because science.

: I fixed my beloved Sony MDR-10RBTs. I initially bought them for an absolute bargain, and now they’ll …

: Lindt 90% Cocoa: 14 g of carbohydrate per 100 g Lindt “No Sugar Added” milk chocolate: 52 g per 100 …

: I’m watching Episode 3 of Game of Thrones’ final season. Did they film this episode using lighting …

: Well, I’ll never be able to watch Star Wars again without a full, live orchestra playing the score. …

: Eeeeeeeee!

: I’m heading to see The New Zealand Symphony Orchestra plays The Empire Strikes Back. So I’ll be …

: I spent a couple of hours trying to manipulate strings using zsh, awk, sed, cut, regex and grep. Two …

: No new Star Trek: Discovery tonight 😢

: Had to rebuild my Raspberry Pi from scratch because the SD card that holds the operating system …

: Is there a super cut somewhere of non-English-speaking newscasters pausing for a second before …


: Just a few more accounts to sort out. But I’m close to reducing my used, active email addresses from …

: It may surprise you to know I’ve never eaten one of those Lindt chocolate bunnies. Or a Whittakers …

: At a bare minimum there should be a Find My Apple TV Remote, where you can make your remote make a …

: A few years ago I sold most of my video games. But I couldn’t sell all my Game Boys. They’re still …

: Retro Tech: Game Boy by MKBHD is an amazing stroll down memory lane. I loved my Game Boy. Game Boys.

: I’ve ordered some AirPods (w/o Qi case). My expectation is they’ll last two years before the …

: My Sci-Fi Line Up for the rest of 2019 With Star Trek: Discovery over until next year, for the remaining 36 weeks of the year, for sci-fi …

: The finale of Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 was absolutely fantastic. Just an hour of incredible …

: I’m about to watch the finale of Star Trek Discovery Season 2. Holy shit! So happy it’s on and that …

: Apple make it look like you can “engrave” your airpods case with an emoji. I doubt that’s possible.

: Neoliberalism promised freedom – instead it delivers stifling control.

: Something to make you Americans struggling with your taxes a little bit upset, perhaps: In NZ …

: I can summarise GOT Season 8 Episode 1: GOT: “Hey, remember all these guys from a couple of years …

: If you don’t work 72 hours a week, you’re a slacker, apparently.

: “This CAPTCHA requires you to prove you’re not a robot by clicking on pictures of cars.” “Isn’t that …

: What happened to Emperor Palpatine’s orders 1 through 65? What was order 37, for example? Was it 2 …

: Looking forward to these feijoas being ready to eat.

: I’ll have to sign up to a streaming service to watch Game of Thrones. I want to limit it to 1 month. …

: The Netflix emails saying “We added a show you might like”, give me confidence they know absolutely …

: The Phantom Attack of Revenge, Hope The Empire Strikes Return, Awakens The Last Skywalker.

: I am confident that there’s no way the title of Star Wars Episode XI is a spoiler for the plot. That …

: On Halloween, the dead will rise to feast on the living, tortured spirits will inflict horrors on …

: Why can’t I see the battery levels on my watch and iPhone from my iPad?

: I reckon a fun theme park area would be a lounge room of some sort, where everything is scaled up so …

: New Zealand has just passed the legislation to ban semi-automatic guns. From the time of the …

: Mad lib time: The _______ is the _______ of the heart.

: Julian Assange is not a hero. Ecuadorian embassy could expel Assange within ‘hours’.

: There’s the Netflix series Titans and there’s Gotham, which is set long before Titans. There’s a …

: Just bought something online with Apple Pay for the first time. Damn, that’s seamless.

: One bonus reason we should change New Zealand’s name to Aotearoa, is we’d be right at …

: “Hey Siri, what’s 30 dollars US in New Zealand Dollars?” “$30.00 is $30.00. I wish they were all …

: Finished watching Titans last night. Disappointed it ended on a cliff hanger, but there’s a second …

: Apple Photos knows what people look like and locations. Why aren’t there shared smart albums that …

: The new Joker movie looks horribly depressing. I think I’ll give it a miss.

: If anyone is interested in watching public submissions for Aotearoa’s gun reform bill, you can …

: Here’s one for @help/@manton: a bug with the iOS app: if you connect a keyboard, the tool bar at the …

: Twitter can’t even accurately keep track of how many tweets someone has posted.

: Hey micro.blog experts. Is there a way, by fining a post one wrote, to quickly find the conversation …

: Well, time to dust off the winter dressing gown. Winter arrived on Tuesday 🥶

: These warnings are on escalators all over Aotearoa. Jandals (flip flops) are our national footware, …

: April Fools was invented at Section 51 in order to confuse the masses and allow the reptilian …

: Titans on Netflix is surprisingly good.

: Committed.

: Digital bathroom scales are liars, pretending to be precise enough to weight to the nearest 100 g. …

: Update: found the setting. In System Preferences, Mission Control.

: Is there a way to stop macOS rearranging the position of virtual desktops? I just want it to leave …

: Happy Brexit day UK! 🇬🇷

: Europe votes to ban single use plastics. What’s Aotearoa doing? Anything?

: My next project for micro.blog is to automate a daily or weekly download of my posts and related …

: I used to have a Tumblr, and the new import feature made me go through my Tumblr archive that I made …

: A purely financial move now advertisers are pulling out in droves. That company is rotten from skin …

: Pass. Apple’s new AirPods-like ‘Powerbeats Pro’ truly wireless sport headphones

: Kiwis may be familiar with the te reo word “mōrena” (loaned from the English “morning!”), I reckon …

: Now Europe is set to ditch daylight saving, I think NZ should too. NZST should be GMT+13. We have …

: Apple Arcade is attractive. I wonder if, before it’s released, Apple will release a new, A13-powered …

: Study finds fossil fuel now pricier than solar or wind …half of all US coalmines have shut down …

: Loving the new Apple TV remote app.

: With Apple’s presentations, I don’t understand the point of the speakers having a clicker. They’re …

: That TV show will still be able to be streamed tomorrow. Have an early night and go to bed. That’s …

: Strict firearm laws reduce gun deaths

: $5 billion NZD would fund installation of 5.1 kw solar arrays on ~200,000 houses with 9.3 kw …

: It’s Micro Monday, and you should be following @Gabz!

: Cupcake & Dino - General Services is a light-hearted delight.

: An iOS shortcut to post to micro.blog I’ve been using an iOS shortcut to post to micro.blog for about a week now. And after a little …

: I tried to watch Altered Carbon. I really tried. Maybe I’m stupid, but I struggle to work out what’s …

: I’m about to finish drinking a batch of summer wheat beer I made. It ended up being 3.2% ABV because …

: I wish I could set iOS Shortcuts to run in the background.

: There hasn’t been a single day where I’ve regretted deleting my Facebook account.

: After the solemn day of remembrance in Aotearoa today, I’m looking forward to watching Star Trek: …

: Jacinda Ardern just announced sweeping gun control law reform.

: When AI takes over, it will be hopeless at some of its job. Because AI is made by people.

: I was considering buying new Airpods when they came out. But they’ve increased in price from NZ$280 …

: “This is why fighting against climate change is the equivalent of fighting against hatred. A world …

: There’s a couple of houses I walk passed frequently, and there’s a really strong smell of …

: This is what I want NZ’s power System live stream site to show one day soon (currently 80% at …

: Shithead von naziface, whose real name I refuse to use, has fired his lawyer and intends to …

: Love, Death + Robots on Netflix is outstanding. More sci-fi anthologies with short run-times please!

: I need to get off social media for a while for my mental health.

: This is so upsetting. Shots fired at mosques in Christchurch.

: To the kids wagging school today to protest for action on climate change – good on ya. Give ‘em …

: I’m watching the original Star Trek pilot: The Cage. Some incredible sexism in the first 10 minutes. …

: Hey people in film and TV. I know some actors are ridiculously skilled, like unbelievably so. But no …

: LOL at Facebook and the people who’ve been using it as a way to log into other services.

: Just heard on the radio: “Breaking news, President Donald Trump has issued an emergency order…” Oh …

: Wow… Boeing is in a bit of trouble. Civil aviation authorities around the world are banning the 737 …

: Well done, morons. Measles outbreak: Parents continue to send unvaccinated children to school.

: “Our website only works in Chrome.” Then it’s not a bloody website.

: It’s reassuring when a privacy policy is 2 pages long, and contains the words “we do not share your …

: I’ve cut the number of ToDo list down from 23 to 13. Should probably be 12, but there’s 2 I can’t be …

: 🤔💭 “Do I still have a Dropbox account?” 🖥⌨️ “Huh, seems I do despite not using it for… 2 years?” 📦🗑

: I’m not a dog person. I used to be a cat person, but I’m not now, because they’re a horrendous …

: The apps you can’t delete/hide on iOS. This is the most minimalist iPhone available (for reference …

: The best personal computer is the one you have with you.

: Wellington

: Reading the news and drinking a coffee is one of life’s great luxuries.

: Due to a gastro bug, yesterday was the first day of the year I didn’t manage to close my Apple …

: Philip Morris, the company that’s made billions of dollars selling addiction and misery to New …

: Can people out there confirm that Airpods and Earpods are the same shape and if you fit one, you’ll …

: It’s a three coffee kinda day.

: IF you launch a log-in section of your website, or a log-in reliant website and you don’t …

: Is this supposed to be English? Now dubious about putting my phone anywhere near it.

: I hope when there’s a New Zealand Siri, it’s super colloquial. “Hey Siri, what’s the weather going …

: After spending an hour looking on Amazon and elsewhere, I’ve decided the Qi charger I want doesn’t …

: It took me two years to research and write my 100 page thesis. Can someone in the legal field …

: I’ve been thinking about buying these Anker headphones to replace my broken, and expensive, …

: 🏏 If New Zealand declare at 702, (679/6 at the time of writing) it’ll be triple the …

: I’ve switched back to Apple’s Mail app on Mac from Airmail. Memory usage by Mail fter a …

: I Ditched Chrome For Safari And You Can Too – Safari is a great browser. Advantages include OS …

: One Charge – Three Days I’ve frankly been shocked at just how incredibly long-lasting the iPhone XR’s battery life has been. …

: My new plan won’t take long. I’ll install a desktop on my raspberry pi server, plug it into a TV and …

: Because I’m an insufferable geek, I’ve had another look at getting a bluetooth speaker working on my …

: After smashing Janurary, I decided to follow through and smash February too. March I’m less sure …

: We listen to Radio New Zealand in the morning. We use an old iPad and a UE Boom. I thought, “Hey, …

: Forget privacy: you’re terrible at targeting anyway (via @fiona) The trackers themselves …

: Dear wireless charger manufacturers. Showing your charger with lightning bolts coming out of it does …

: How Amsterdam avoided becoming a car dominated hellscape

: I’ll name and shame all the websites that I’ve encountered that don’t give you the option to delete …

: “Your password is too long” Right, it’s my password length that’s the problem. Not your …

: New Zealand should be officially called Aotearoa. Or Aotearoa New Zealand at a pinch. I know a lot …

: I’m having a great, cathartic time going through accounts and changing my email address. In many …

: I’m just sorting out my email addresses so I’m not so reliant on a gmail.com address, and holy …

: Found an old Moleskine (an Evernote version, because I liked the colour). I keep track of random …

: I think, after months of humming and harring, I’ve worked out how I’m going to tame my …

: Star Trek Discovery is getting really, really good. Last week’s episode (S02E05) was a bit of a …

: These recommendations sound like something you’d use if you’re immunocompromised. If any …

: I’ve stopped using Airmail on my Mac, and switched to Mail.app. Airmail has a slow memory leak …

: I remained convinced that the letter “U”, should be a valid word in English as the proper noun for …

: I believe my Facebook account has now been deleted. What that means is up for debate. I expect it …

: This piece on Critics vs Haters by @annie is so good. Guess I’d qualify as a fan…

: I’ve seen people who aren’t native English speakers writing money amounts with the symbol trailing …

: The more often I hand out my gmail address the more I’m tied to Google for eternity. And yet I keep …

: The cicadas are legion in Wellington this summer.

: That episode of Star Trek: Discovery was… below average. Despite the nice bit (which I was extremely …

: Apple’s 25 March event is apparently going to be about news subscriptions and original TV content. …

: There’s nothing more punishingly boring than podcasters talking about podcasting.

: 🏏 I often wonder why the third umpire videos aren’t in super slo-mo. You’ve been able to do super …

: This breakfast research sits well with me. I’ve never been a fan of breakfast. It’s a garbage meal …

: Damn cars are loud. Walking next to a busy road for 30 minutes makes me wonder just how much hearing …

: Download an app because it looks interesting Open it to an immediate “log in or sign up” screen …

: Oh yeah. Icro’s themes look great!

: Glorious to see the White Ferns still wearing their Aotearoa shirts. I’m of the opinion that NZ …

: I so wish Apple made an iPhone 4-sized phone. Seen here next to an XR.

: Hey Star Trek fans, have you seen this episode of Carpool Karaoke?

: I’ve been going through my Twitter followings and unfollowing a bunch of people to try and …

: This is, without a doubt, the most momentous achievement I ever made on Twitter.

: I had a nightmare last night. I dreamt I had logged into Facebook by mistake, and cancelled my …

: I have very lucky tacos

: I’d like there to be a great sci-fi series with episodes no more than 30 minutes long. Sci-fi …

: Time to look for a cheaper internet provider. Because I am a cheap bastard and would rather pay …

: Time to look for a cheaper internet provider. Because I am a cheap bastard and would rather pay …

: I just received an email: “We’re sending you something in the post!” Why? Just email it to me. You …

: That last episode of Star Trek Discovery certainly opened up the season. Holy shit! (and Section …

: If anyone was wondering how my goal for January went, I crushed it.

: There’s some truly magical spots in New Zealand.

: Testing weird, erratic fraction formatting 2/3 58/8 58/8! 4/5 6/7 ½ 2/3

: Calling it. 77.5 hours between charges for my XR. I don’t know if I’ll be able to go back to a …

: iPhone XR running in low power mode. 72 hours after its last charge with normal (for me) use.

: LOL! Following TechCrunch’s Scoop About Facebook’s Research App, Apple Has Revoked Facebook’s …

: The 2 decade long nightmare of not wanting to fall clothed into a pool at a pool party, is over! …

: 🏏 Holy crap! The cricket! India 58/8! NZ crushing it!

: This suuuuuuuuuucks

: I have a grandfathered free G-Suite account. It’s worked very well for managing the email of my …

: iPhone XR low power mode test update: 26 hours in, battery at 72%. It used 4% to sit there …

: The temperatures in the last few days are making me uncomfortable for two reasons. One, it’s almost …

: 60 hours from unplugging from, and replugging into, the charger. Next challenge, I’ll throw the low …

: iPhone XR. Unplugged fron charger 57 hours ago.

: Has anyone got experience with using iCloud mail as their mail dumping ground for multiple email …

: No, sir, I don’t like it.

: A sad day for Niue, as their only duck, Trevor, dies.

: 🏏 To say my beloved Black Caps are getting completely pants by India is an understatement. India are …

: Home brewing involves the following, in percent of time: 20% Waiting for things to warm up, cool …

: “Directed by Jonathan Frakes” - oooo this is gonna be a good episode of Star Trek Discovery (S2 E2).

: I have 5 email addresses. I really, really need to rationalise them. Holy crap what a mess.

: Mistakenly forgot to charge my XR last night. Oh well. About to go to bed and plug it in now, about …

: 🏏 Siri understands cricket!!

: Added to my watch list with enthusiasm!

: Every food tracking app in existence makes me angry with its terrible UI and UX. All I want is an …

: 🏏 Now 148/9. This is embarrassing.

: 🏏 148/8 after 35. My beloved Blackcaps are getting murdered.

: 🏏 New Zealand aren’t doing that well. 97/4 after 22. India are bringing it, but we’ll see how it …

: Um, there’s a game called American Truck Simulator, where you pretend to drive a truck …

: How was everyone’s super duper blood wolfman vampire lunar eclipse?

: I’ve got three articles I’m in various states of writing. Micro.blog has… started me blogging again!

: Today, we in the southern Eastern Hemisphere will enjoy a super duper blood wolf lunar eclipse, …

: An ominous number of comments on an article about one of our many dooms

: I’ve discovered only one thing I had that used Facebook to log in. IFTTT, which downloaded all my …

: All the cool kids are doing it (like @macgenie - Goodbye Facebook), and I just want to be popular.

: So far as I can tell from the trailers, Star Trek: Discovery season 2 should be called The Search …

: Holy crap! New Star Trek: Discovery TONIGHT!

: Gilet, a vest a man can get.

: My iPhone XR My wife and I had agreed not to buy each other Christmas presents. This isn’t the first time we’ve …

: We left some bread on the lawn. These birds will take the bread and turn it into more birds.

: I need the people who are making all this great TV to stop for a while and let me catch up. I should …

: Facisinating Wikiedia entry on this common species. Though I’d quibble with the conservation status …

: Challenge: name a movie sequel that was greater than or equal to the original. I’ll go first: The …

: In the good old days when there were 57 channels and nothing on, now there’s 57 things on your …

: Why isn’t there a built-in function to rotate videos in the iOS and macOS Photos app? It’s common …

: Content blockers are the virus scanners of macOS/iOS world. You’re mad if you’re not running one.

: 🏏 Another glorious game, and now series win for my beloved Black Caps. Magnificent!

: How This All Happened by Morgan Housel is an incredible read. A broad run down of the development of …

: 🏏 India forces Australia to follow on after dismissing them for 300, trailing by 322. As a Kiwi, …

: Now with the Southern Hemisphere cricket season in full swing, I need to start using the 🏏 tagmoji. …

: Facebook somehow got through my Pi Hole and then sent an email almost proving it could. I need to …

: Less than 2 weeks until Star Trek: Discovery season 2 starts!

: When you get a new label maker for Christmas.

: So far so good. I’d very much like to start the year by closing all three rings every day.

: I know I’m a couple of decades behind here, but cold brewed coffee is bloody amazing!

: It’s always great seeing these three little icons at full strength. It’s a little bit of zen at the …

: What is it with movies and TV shows when they inject someone, they do it in the neck!? The freaking …

: Is everyone on board the 2019 train yet?

: Happy 2019 from New Zealand!

: Part of New Zealand is already in 2019. Chatham Island is 45 minutes ahead of the rest of New …

: I’m looking forward to tomorrow, New Years Day, when I am committed by resolution to deleting my …

: Cartoon Sunday, as detailed in my personal TV channel article, concluded another series last week …

: Aquatic Man was… great. Really entertaining. DC have really sorted their shit out since the Batman v …

: I hope this new Aquatic Man is better than the older Aquatic Man starring Kevin Costner.

: About to go and see Aquatic Man.

: My headphone research has revealed that cheap $25-50 bluetooth headphones are now pretty good. Not …

: Went blueberry picking today. This is what they look like on the tree. TIL: I can eat blueberries …

: So far as I can tell, every pair of earphones that’s currently for sale is rubbish. I’m looking for …

: My BeatsX have died (the seemingly common red and white flashing lights of death). Really …

: Home Alone 2: Lost in New York doesn’t depict New York as a great place. It even features a cameo by …

: Nothing quite like a christmas day thunderstorm.

: What the hell!? Some old guy just broke into my house, drank a beer, left a whole bunch of boxes …

: This is a passionfruit flower, in case you were wondering.

: I’m as clueless about wine as I am clued about craft beer. I was sent out to grab a bottle of …

: Have I told you how much I love the Netflix series Final Space? Hell yeah I have. But you’re hearing …

: It’s christmas eve and I am approximately dressed.

: Another New Years resolution: start 2019 with no open browser tabs.

: My New Years resolution is to delete Facebook. Please consider helping to destroy Zuckerberg’s …

: A Selfish Argument for Making the World a Better Place – Egoistic Altruism

: “Now That’s What I Call Music 58 - you fuckers still buy music on physical media for money, right!?”

: Christmas and summer in Aotearoa.

: Homer Simpson started in 1989 as a 32 year old Baby Boomer. He is now a 38 year old millennial (or …

: Have yourself, a vegan little christmas.

: These BeatsX headphones are well on their way to dying. Less than 21 months in. Pretty shocking. …

: Top tip: kowhai trees are great for temporarily sheltering from lower-North Island thunderstorms.

: From now on I will work out a fake name and number for when I am returning or exchanging things when …

: The Human Era - why the year should be 12018, not 2018. I wholeheartedly approve this idea and …

: Tauhou update 2: it’s away! Dans le beau ciel bleu!

: Tauhou update: it’s moved from its back to sitting and is having a look around.

: A tauhou just crashed into our window and is in a bad way on the ground. Don’t know whether to …

: Excellent news. Of all the things the police do, busting people with pot is the most pointless. This …

: I miss a lot of people on Twitter, but I don’t miss Twitter.

: My current home screen. Don’t know how long it’ll be this empty…

: No birds at anti-1080 protest died from poison (one protected species had been shot.) Way to push …

: Apple, Microsoft, Google, etc., should be pumping millions into Wikipedia to keep it going. They all …

: I’ve switched from using an electric toothbrush to a bamboo manual toothbrush for two reasons: …

: “That’s not fair!” “The world isn’t ‘fair’” “No, the natural world isn’t fair in the survival of the …

: I love Wellington.

: Give a man a fire, and he’ll be warm for the night. Set a man ablaze, and he’ll be warm for the rest …

: I almost pity Trump reading this Twitter thread of people caring for relatives with dementia. …

: Running a scooter or bike share service is now so commonplace, there’s a software platform offering …

: Your food should come wrapped in cardboard or paper. They sell flour and sugar in thick paper bags. …

: Rain, possibly heavy, becoming fine early afternoon. A few showers at night. Northerlies, but …

: I really tried to be present in the moment last week, from Tuesday onwards. Pretty happy with how …

: If Santa flies around the entire world, at night, then every Christmas Eve at some point will be …

: In Whanganui, people leave offerings at the foot of the Barney Rubble icon.

: Not required this year, but I’m happy I have this annual reminder.

: Strawberry picking! On the first day of summer.

: I’d like an anthology sci-fi series like Black Mirror, but one that doesn’t give me nightmares or …

: 🎵 Five little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mum called the doctor and …

: NZ retailers missed a trick. If they are insisting on pushing black friday on us, even though we …

: If you’re going to have hold music play, don’t interrupt every 20 seconds saying …

: Things I won’t say on my deathbed: I wish I’d spent more time on my phone I wish I’d spent less …

: They’re advertising for Apple Store employees in Wellington. Which is good news. There’s no Apple …

: I’ve never seen The Lion King.

: Oh man. I may have to reconsider my Cartoon Sunday strategy. I’ve already got over a year-worth of …

: It was supposed to be a horrible day today. Not so much.

: Some light lunchtime reading. (Photo: an image of the front cover of The Story of Cricket - A …

: They say the iPhone 5 is a great size, but the 4/4s is just fantastically small by modern standards.

: Duolingo decided to destroy my 152 day streak, despite me using it every day 🤦🏻‍♂️

: Top device tip: limit screen time until 9am. You get an uninterrupted morning to prepare for the …

: Earth is in a Death Spiral. We are in serious, serious trouble. Only drastic action will work and no …

: I think we need another round of Kiwis and Aussies putting their hands up here on MB! 🇳🇿 🇦🇺

: Adding mastodon.social to the block list in micro.blog is a good first step, but I still see …

: I joined Mastodon, then a couple of weeks later left because it was as bad a seething shithole of …

: Two years ago, the Kaikōura earthquake woke us up. By the the strongest and scariest earthquake …

: A quintessential Kiwi scene. Summer is so close!

: I know you New Zealand supermarkets like to think you’re environmental heroes by phasing out single …

: Final Space on Netflix is SO good!

: Netflix spends billions on a lot of really good TV content. Now if they could spend a hundred …

: And for anyone who thought the ozone hole was a solved problem: it’s projected stratospheric ozone …

: In case you were wondering about that story from May about a weird, massive detection of illegal …

: Bought my first ever lawnmower today. Just waiting for the battery to charge (you heard me), before …

: No explanation as to why, since storage should be getting cheaper. “Your iCloud storage plan price …

: A price hike for iCloud storage. Fantastic.

: I wish Screentime in iOS was more customisable. Specifically I’d like to be able to set it so it …

: Is there a politics thing happening?

: Finally some good news: TV dramas are getting shorter - Good. Now we need are some short, good …

: If they can comfortably fit a USB-C port on a 5.1 mm thick iPad, they could probably cram it into a …

: This Micro Monday, I recommend you follow @syneryder His avatar occasionally makes me think I’m …

: Netflix thought Final Space was a 60% match for me. After the first episode, I have to wonder if …

: You Really Bad Chess players are getting close, but I’m still king! ♟

: Am I really good at chess (Really Bad Chess)?

: Hey New Zealand, can we please stop selling pyrotechnics to Joe Bloggs public to mark an event …

: I’ve decided to start watching Vikings. But I’ll be alternating episodes with Norsemen. I watched …

: Do I need a 128 or 256 GB phone? My current one is 64 GB and I have 8 GB free…

: Turns out you can spend a lot of money on Macs.

: Wellingtonians: “25º! It’s unbearbly hot!” Aucklanders: “LOL!” …

: Duolingo just added Hawaiian. It seems pretty limited, but I’m giving it a go. If you know a little …

: You guys! It’s November! 😳

: Anyone else have an issue with Safari/graphics on 5K iMac where if you zoom out to see all the tabs, …

: 🎵 I wanna be a billionaire, so frickin bad 🎵

: NZ$219 for the iPad pencil. That’s a lot of money. The $NZ/$US exchange rate is murderous at the …

: So, the most maxed out new Mac Mini costs NZ$7,099. That’s insane.

: Halloween isn’t really a thing in New Zealand. I don’t know if it should be…

: I quite like the new iPad Pro. There’s no way I could justify buying one, and my Air 2 is humming …

: All my Kiwi peeps OK? That was a big earthquake! 6.2 M, but over 200 km deep, so it was widely felt. …

: It’s Micro Monday, and I recommend you follow @Miraz Wellington represent.

: Just finished watching Disenchantment. The last three episodes were great, and the story is getting …

: Success! Drive the social networking down to an hour a day, and cut everything off half an hour …

: Every new episode of the latest seies of Doctor Who makes me love it more. So, so good. Jodie …

: How I made my own TV channel The great promise of internet TV, as far as I saw it, was the chance for people to fine tune what …

: Don't Stop Star Fleeting Just a Star Fleet girl Living on a Deep Space world She took a shuttle flight going a-ny-where Just …