You may have a favourite coffee cup at work or home. One you always reach for when you’re set on having a serious coffee at a serious moment.
I use an insulated travel cup because I can take an hour or two to sip my way through a coffee. I can’t slam coffee back fast enough to outrun cooling through convection and radiation.

And this is my Zojirushi coffee cup. I one-click-purchased it by mistake. I’ve used it 1–4 times a day for almost 30 months (including taking it to cafés so they can fill it up). It’s met concrete at speed many times. It’s dented, scratched and gouged. I’ve lost it, and found it again. I’ve frequently scrubbed the inside with criminal force.
And it’s still going strong. It’s the best coffee cup I’ve ever owned. The top still flips open with a satisfying click. The lock still keeps the lid closed when required.
Unlike the 3 Contigo cups I went through prior, it doesn’t leak. I’d happily throw this cup, full of hot coffee, into a bag filled with things I care about. It’s that reliable.
If you’re after something similar, I highly recommend these cups. I hope mine lasts another 30, 60 or 120 months because I’m going to be upset when my caffeine-delivering companion breaks for good. Until I insta-buy a new one, intentionally.