The finale of Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 was absolutely fantastic. Just an hour of incredible Star Trek goodness. I’m really looking forward to Season 3, and the Picard show which is rumoured to be premiering at the end of this year!
The finale of Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 was absolutely fantastic. Just an hour of incredible Star Trek goodness. I’m really looking forward to Season 3, and the Picard show which is rumoured to be premiering at the end of this year!
I’m about to watch the finale of Star Trek Discovery Season 2. Holy shit! So happy it’s on and that this season has been so good. And so sad I have to wait a year for season 3.
Apple make it look like you can “engrave” your airpods case with an emoji. I doubt that’s possible.
Neoliberalism promised freedom – instead it delivers stifling control.
Something to make you Americans struggling with your taxes a little bit upset, perhaps: In NZ starting this year, our IRD does all the calculations and refunds or invoices you without you having to do anything. If you’re a standard salary or wage earner.
I can summarise GOT Season 8 Episode 1:
GOT: “Hey, remember all these guys from a couple of years back? And their back stories?”
Me: “Ummmm…”
GOT: “Remember what’s happening in the story?”
Me: “Ice zombies?”
GOT: “Yes! And the thousands of other story threads!”
Me: “No?”
If you don’t work 72 hours a week, you’re a slacker, apparently.
“This CAPTCHA requires you to prove you’re not a robot by clicking on pictures of cars.”
“Isn’t that something robots are really good at now?”
“Shut up human and show me the edge cases!”
What happened to Emperor Palpatine’s orders 1 through 65? What was order 37, for example? Was it 2 fish, a scoop of chips and a spring roll?
Looking forward to these feijoas being ready to eat.
I’ll have to sign up to a streaming service to watch Game of Thrones. I want to limit it to 1 month. So no spoilers until June please. Actually, don’t worry. I don’t care that much about the series. I can’t even remember 3 of the characters’s names.
The Netflix emails saying “We added a show you might like”, give me confidence they know absolutely nothing about my tastes.
The Phantom Attack of Revenge, Hope The Empire Strikes Return, Awakens The Last Skywalker.
I am confident that there’s no way the title of Star Wars Episode XI is a spoiler for the plot. That can’t be true. That’s impossible.
On Halloween, the dead will rise to feast on the living, tortured spirits will inflict horrors on the those yet to pass, and demons will transcend the boundaries that bifurcate our realms. Cats and dogs will rise to overthrow their human rulers and the UK will leave the EU.
Why can’t I see the battery levels on my watch and iPhone from my iPad?
I reckon a fun theme park area would be a lounge room of some sort, where everything is scaled up so normal adults are relatively toddler size, and you’d have to do your best to turn the TV on after climbing on the couch without a giant yelling at you.
New Zealand has just passed the legislation to ban semi-automatic guns. From the time of the terrorist attack to sweeping gun reform: 26 days.
Mad lib time:
The _______ is the _______ of the heart.
Julian Assange is not a hero. Ecuadorian embassy could expel Assange within ‘hours’.
There’s the Netflix series Titans and there’s Gotham, which is set long before Titans. There’s a series that everyone wants, and no one seems to be able to make: a modern Batman series.
Just bought something online with Apple Pay for the first time. Damn, that’s seamless.
One bonus reason we should change New Zealand’s name to Aotearoa, is we’d be right at the top, just above Argentina, in those “Select Your Country” drop downs.
“Hey Siri, what’s 30 dollars US in New Zealand Dollars?”
“$30.00 is $30.00. I wish they were all this easy.”
“Oh FFS. Hey Siri, what’s 30 US dollars in New Zealand Dollars?"
“US$30 is NZ$44”
Really. Siri should know that US Dollars and Dollars US are the same thing.
Finished watching Titans last night. Disappointed it ended on a cliff hanger, but there’s a second season in a year. Also watched the first episode of Black Lightning, which I really enjoyed.