The Quarantine Quiz for the 11th of September 2021
I’ve quizzed things you’d never believe. Quizzes on fire on the shoulder of Orion. Every day of the nation-wide Aotearoa quarantine, I’m posting a quiz as something for people to look forward to. Here’s today’s (Aotearoa Rāhui Season 3, Episode 25). All previous quizzes can be found here.
- In which year did Neal Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the Moon?
- What is the collective noun for a group of owls?
- What is the name of the method where one sucks tea or coffee through a TimTam biscuit?
- What are the names of Donald Duck’s triple nephews?
- In which US city did Coca Cola originate?
- Complete these Beatles lyrics “I am the egg man…”
- Territory of which European country is directly west of Invercargill?
- New Zealand and New Caledonia are part of which mostly submerged continent?
- How many knees do elephants typically have?
- Master Chief is a character from which video game series?
Answers for 11 September 2021
- 1969
- A parliament of owls
- A TimTam slam!
- Huey, Dewey, and Louie
- Atlanta, Georgia
- “They are the egg men. I am the Walrus!”
- France (French Southern and Antarctic Lands)
- Zealandia
- Two (their front “knees” are wrists)
- Halo