Another six weeks of this garbage before the days start getting longer again. We should have stayed on summer time.
Another six weeks of this garbage before the days start getting longer again. We should have stayed on summer time.
How does Raspberry Pi stay afloat as a company when you haven’t been able to buy their products for years? And on the rare occasion one pops up, it’s hundreds of dollars. Need an alternative.
Ah yes, it’s the 4th of May.
The random things you remember you need when setting up a house. Just remembered “oh yeah, I’ll need to buy a vacuum cleaner. Oh, and a dining table.” Goodbye all of my money.
Got my Vessi waterproof shoes yesterday. Just in time for today’s (and tomorrow’s) rain. My feet aren’t sopping wet, and my cuffs are bone dry! !
I got home before the rain started with only 30 minutes to spare. Frankly glad I didn’t have to struggle through the rain that’s smashing outside right now. Holy moly.
I’ve typed random passwords, by mistake, into Slack more than once now. Luckily I don’t reuse any of them. But damn. Check your password filed is focussed, people.
I cannot express how little I care about some billionaire getting a fancy hat put on his head. Time for an Aotearoa republic.
People think AI is going to destroy IT and programming jobs. But if you work in technical support, fixing the infrastructure of the internet and companies, you realise that there’s no way AI could fix any of this. Everything is so broken it’s a wonder anything works at all.
I washed and dried all my clothes today. Perfectly warmish day in Pōneke with a light breeze. Did other washing and cleaning too. Just a lovely day of tidying and cleaning. Zen-like.
I regret to inform you that edge vignetting and DSE (dirty screen effect), are things which I noticed on my last TV and that buying a new one without those is going to be horribly expensive
Lots of chitter chatter about the watch pocket in jeans has reminded me I have no jeans. And haven’t for years and years. Maybe time to buy a pair…
The final of Star Trek: Picard was so, so, so good 🖖🏼
One for the Kiwis out there: does anyone know where or if I can buy a combo clothes washer / heat pump dryer? The closest I can find is a regular condenser. I know they exist elsewhere, but my NZ searches have been unsuccessful so far.
The Mandalorian season 3 and Picard season 3 both streaming their final episodes within 24 hours of each feels cruelly planned.
Thanks to Kurzgesagt I just learnt about Black Hole Stars. And holy hell the universe is mind boggling.
Does anyone know why the Satellite imagery from Apple Maps online (e.g., through DuckDuckGo), is years more up to date than those you get in the Maps app in iOS or macOS? Is it because of the 3D?
As far as my biking wet weather clothing goes, everything’s coming up Milhouse. My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry. So people who commute by bike: how does one keeps one’s feet dry in the pouring rain?
I’ve decided I’m going to start drawing again. I used to draw every day and when asked to draw something by kids of friends I always surprise myself at how much muscle memory I still have to get shapes onto the page. Expect some terrible artwork from me.
Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen) hits a lot differently when you’re a 40 year olds who doesn’t know what they want to do with their life, as opposed to a teenager not appreciating the power and beauty of their youth.
Got my fifth covid vaccination. And my first bivalent variety. I’m now 6 times less likely to die if I catch covid than with just the original vaccine, and 30 times less likely to die than an unvaccinated person. Science 💪🏼
Charging a battery via pass-through charging from another. Some kind of batt-ception which feels oddly wrong for some reason? Also seen here, a rubber coaster shaped like a floppy disk.
If the holodecks from Star Trek existed, I’d simply acquire one and live there. Who wouldn’t. You’re talking Matrioshka Brain-like realities.
Go and listen to some music you like.
So, winter hit today. And I’m wearing my summer clothing. Shit it’s cold.