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Don't Stop Star Fleeting

Just a Star Fleet girl
Living on a Deep Space world
She took a shuttle flight going a-ny-where

Just a Vulcan boy
Born and raised on Rigel IV

He took the shuttle flight going a-ny-where

Some Klingons in the dabo room
The smell of targ and cheap blood soup
A bat’leth fight and a crooked smile
It goes gorn and gorn and gorn and gorn

Borg cubes. Warping. Up and down the delta quad
Their implants. Stretched through to warp niii-eee-iine

Star Fleet. People
Serving just for exploration
Strange new worlds out in the niiiiiight

Working helm with Crusher, Wes
Stun set phasers don’t make a mess
They’d do anything to make it so
Just one more time

Jim Kirk wins
Red shirts lose
Battling the Klingons through
Oh the mission never ends it goes on and on and on and on

Borg cubes. Warping. Up and down the delta quad
Their implants. Stretched through to warp niii-eee-iine

Star Fleet. People
Serving for the Federation
Strange new worlds out in the niiiiiight

Don’t stop. Star Fleeting
Prime Directive keeping
Star Fleet. People.

Don’t stop. Star Fleeting
Main screen ooooooon
Star Fleet. People

Don’t stop. Star Fleeting
Hold on to that feeling
Star Fleet. People

Yorrike @yorrike